La influencia de la responsabilidad social empresarial en el comportamiento de compra de los consumidores de revistas, varones de 25 a 30 años, en Lima Metropolitana, Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Esta investigación busca determinar la influencia que las acciones de
Responsabilidad Social Empresarial ejercen en el comportamiento de compra de
revistas de los peruanos de entre 25 y 30 años de edad, a nivel de Lima Metropolitana,
cuyo resultado nos permite ampliar la visión empresarial de lo estrictamente
económico a la preocupación por el impacto en el medio ambiente y en su entorno
social tanto interno como externo. En este sentido la RSE ha ganado gran relevancia
en el mundo entero, sin embargo, en el Perú son muy pocas las investigaciones
relacionadas a la RSE, que demuestren el verdadero impacto en el consumidor.
Se implementó un diseño experimental bajo la Metodología de los Modelos de
Elección Discreta con el objetivo de poder cuantificar la intención de compra y la
disposición a pagar por las acciones de responsabilidad social desarrolladas por las
empresas. El experimento se llevó a cabo utilizando una muestra por conveniencia de
132 consumidores varones de Lima Metropolitana, en el mercado de revistas, y cuyas
edades fluctúan entre 25 y 30 años.
Esta tesis es una ampliación del alcance de la investigación doctoral del
profesor Percy Samoel Marquina Feldman, “La influencia de la responsabilidad social
empresarial en el comportamiento de compra de los consumidores peruanos”
(CENTRUM, Centro de Negocios de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Lima 2009), la misma que busca validar si la relación identificada originalmente por
el profesor Marquina también se presenta en la categoría de revistas, tal como el autor
lo sugiere en sus recomendaciones finales. Con la autorización del autor, se ha
utilizado partes de su tesis, particularmente en lo que se refiere a la revisión de la
literatura y el método
This research seeks to determine the influence that Corporate Social Responsibility actions have on buying behavior of magazines by Peruvians with ages between 25 and 30 years old, in Lima Metropolitana, which result allows us to expand the business view of the strictly economic aspect to concerns about the impact on the environment and its social environment both internally and externally. In this sense, CSR has gained great importance in the world; however, in Peru very few research findings related to CSR, that actually demonstrates the true impact on the consumer. An experimental design based on the Discrete Choice Model Methodology was implemented with the aim of quantifying the purchase intention and willingness to pay for the actions of social responsibility developed by companies. The experiment was conducted using a convenience sample of 132 male consumers from Lima, in the magazine industry, whose ages range between 25 and 30. This thesis is an extension of the doctoral research of Professor Percy Samoel Marquina Feldman, "The influence of corporate social responsibility on buying behavior of Peruvian consumers” (CENTRUM, Business Center of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Lima 2009), the same that seeks to validate whether the relationship, originally identified by Professor Marquina, is also presented in the magazine category, as the author suggests in its final recommendations. With the author's permission, parts of his thesis have been used, particularly in regard to the literature and method review.
This research seeks to determine the influence that Corporate Social Responsibility actions have on buying behavior of magazines by Peruvians with ages between 25 and 30 years old, in Lima Metropolitana, which result allows us to expand the business view of the strictly economic aspect to concerns about the impact on the environment and its social environment both internally and externally. In this sense, CSR has gained great importance in the world; however, in Peru very few research findings related to CSR, that actually demonstrates the true impact on the consumer. An experimental design based on the Discrete Choice Model Methodology was implemented with the aim of quantifying the purchase intention and willingness to pay for the actions of social responsibility developed by companies. The experiment was conducted using a convenience sample of 132 male consumers from Lima, in the magazine industry, whose ages range between 25 and 30. This thesis is an extension of the doctoral research of Professor Percy Samoel Marquina Feldman, "The influence of corporate social responsibility on buying behavior of Peruvian consumers” (CENTRUM, Business Center of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Lima 2009), the same that seeks to validate whether the relationship, originally identified by Professor Marquina, is also presented in the magazine category, as the author suggests in its final recommendations. With the author's permission, parts of his thesis have been used, particularly in regard to the literature and method review.
Responsabilidad social de las empresas, Comportamiento del consumidor, Investigación cuantitativa
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