Çahâr Makâla'nin Dil ve Üslûbu ile Nizâmî-i Arûzî'nin 'Üslûp' ve Eserinde bu eserde geçen edebi şahsiyetlerin üslûpları hakkındaki görüşlerim

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Çehâr Makâle is the work of Nizâmî-i Arûzî (d. 552/ after 1157) which refers to the four professions (scribe, poet, chaldean and physician) necessary for a ruler. It is known as Çehâr Makale because the work whose original name is Mecmau-nevâdir is comprised of four parts. After the preamble, the author gives information about these four professions and tells related stories. The first article contains the attributes and qualities of a scribe. In the second article, after giving information about poet and poetry, the author emphasizes the importance and effect of poetry; thus indirectly mentions the names and literary style of many literary figures. The information about the style of the author and the styles of the poets mentioned in his work is examined and evaluated in accordance with the scientific principles in this study.



