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Kohlhammer, J., Keim, D., Pohl, M., Andrienko, G., & Santucci, G. (2011). Solving Problems with Visual Analytics. In Procedia Computer Science (pp. 117–120).
E193-05 - Forschungsbereich Human Computer Interaction
Published in:
Procedia Computer Science
Date (published):
Event name:
FET'11 - Future and Emerging Technologies
Event date:
4-May-2011 - 6-May-2011
Event place:
Budapest, HU, EU
Number of Pages:
Peer reviewed:
Visual analytics; General Medicine; data mining; data management; cognitive science; research roadmap; information visualisation; geo-visual analytics
Visual analytics is an emerging research discipline aiming at making the best possible use of huge information loads in a wide variety of applications by appropriately combining the strengths of intelligent automatic data analysis with the visual perception and analysis capabilities of the human user. The major goal of visual analytics is the integration of these disciplines into visual analytics ...
Visual analytics is an emerging research discipline aiming at making the best possible use of huge information loads in a wide variety of applications by appropriately combining the strengths of intelligent automatic data analysis with the visual perception and analysis capabilities of the human user. The major goal of visual analytics is the integration of these disciplines into visual analytics to acquire well-established and agreed upon concepts and theories, combining scientific breakthroughs in a single discipline to have a potential impact on visual analytics and vice-versa. In a session at FET´11, the leaders of the thematic working groups of the recently finalized FET Open coordination action VisMaster CA presented the scientific challenges that were identified in the visual analytics research roadmap, and the connection between the various disciplines and the broader vision of visual analytics. This article contains excerpts from this research roadmap to motivate further research in this direction within FET