Perfeccionamiento de habilidades pedagógicas docentes para el desarrollo de la competencia lectora de los estudiantes de primaria de la I.E Miguel Grau de Iberia
Ramírez Mamani, Rosa Silveria
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Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya
El proyecto de innovación educativa titulado “Perfeccionamiento de habilidades pedagógicas docentes
para el desarrollo de la competencia lectora de los estudiantes de primaria de la I.E Miguel Grau de
Iberia”, tuvo como objetivo comprobar que el desarrollo de las habilidades pedagógicas docentes
influyen significativamente en el desarrollo de capacidades de comprensión lectora de los estudiantes,
lo fundamental en el presente trabajo es que de forma participativa los docentes a través de espacios de
reflexión de sus prácticas de aula en el área de comunicación, identificaron sus necesidades de
capacitación por lo que se hallaron motivados, para participar en los talleres de modo que su atención
estuvo focalizada en la búsqueda de estrategias que permitieran superar las limitaciones halladas.
La sensibilización mediante el análisis de los resultados de la evaluación sobre los niveles de
comprensión lectora de los estudiantes en el que de forma reflexiva se fue determinando las posibles
causas, consecuencias y la búsqueda de alternativas favoreció para la participación de los padres de
familia y el compromiso de éstos para apoyar a su menores hijos mediante las orientaciones básicas
referente a las estrategias utilizadas para el desarrollo de la comprensión.
The educational innovation project entitled "Improvement of teaching pedagogical skills for the development of reading competence of elementary students of I.E. “Miguel Grau of Iberia", aimed to develop teaching pedagogical skills to influence the development of skills of the comprehension of the students' reading, the fundamental thing in the present work is the participative form of the students through the spaces of the reflection of the classroom practices in the area of communication, the identification of their training needs reason why he has been motivated, to participate in the workshops so that his attention was focused in the search of strategies that allow to overcome the limitations found. Raising awareness by analyzing the results of the evaluation on the levels of student reading in the form of reflection is based on determining the possible causes, consequences and the search for preferred alternatives for the participation of the parents of the family and the commitment to support to support their children through the basic orientations in relation to the strategies used for the development of understanding.
The educational innovation project entitled "Improvement of teaching pedagogical skills for the development of reading competence of elementary students of I.E. “Miguel Grau of Iberia", aimed to develop teaching pedagogical skills to influence the development of skills of the comprehension of the students' reading, the fundamental thing in the present work is the participative form of the students through the spaces of the reflection of the classroom practices in the area of communication, the identification of their training needs reason why he has been motivated, to participate in the workshops so that his attention was focused in the search of strategies that allow to overcome the limitations found. Raising awareness by analyzing the results of the evaluation on the levels of student reading in the form of reflection is based on determining the possible causes, consequences and the search for preferred alternatives for the participation of the parents of the family and the commitment to support to support their children through the basic orientations in relation to the strategies used for the development of understanding.
Palabras clave
Innovaciones educativas, Comprensión de lectura, Profesores, Educación