Autoestima en estudiantes de 5t° grado de primaria de la institución educativa N° 60055 “Serafín Filomeno” Iquitos, 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La Investigación tuvo como objetivo: Determinar el nivel de Autoestima
que tienen los Estudiantes de 5t° Grado de Primaria de la Institución
Educativa N° 60055 ―Serafín Filomeno‖ de la ciudad de Iquitos durante el
año 2021.
La investigación por el propósito fue Aplicada, de tipo descriptivo, de
diseño general no experimental y diseño específico descriptivo
La población lo conformó 40 Estudiantes y la muestra lo representó el
100% de la población, la selección de la muestra fue no probabilística
En la recolección de los datos se empleó la encuesta y el instrumento
fue el cuestionario.
El procesamiento de la información se realizó en forma mecánica sobre
la base de datos organizándolos en cuadros y gráficos.
El análisis e interpretación de los datos se realizó empleando la
estadística descriptiva.
Los resultados demostraron que, de 40 estudiantes, 27.5% de
estudiantes tuvieron un nivel de autoestima baja, el 35% tuvieron un nivel
de autoestima alta y 37.5% tuvieron un nivel de autoestima media;
aceptando la hipótesis de investigación: La Autoestima se encuentra en el
nivel medio en los Estudiantes de 5t° Grado de Primaria de la Institución
Educativa N° 60055 ―Serafín Filomeno‖ de la ciudad de Iquitos durante el
año 2021.
The objective of the Research was: To determine the level of Selfesteem that 5th Grade Primary Students have at Educational Institution No. 60055 ―Serafín Filomeno‖ in the city of Iquitos during the year 2021. The research for the purpose was Applied, of a descriptive type, of a non-experimental general design and a specific design was the crosssectional descriptive. The population was made up of 40 Students and the sample was represented by 100% of the population, the selection of the sample was intentional non-probabilistic In the data collection the survey was used and the data collection instrument was the questionnaire. The information processing was carried out mechanically on the basis of data, organizing them in tables and graphs. The analysis and interpretation of the data was carried out using descriptive statistics. The results showed that, of 40 students, 27.5% of students had a low level of self-esteem, 35% had a high level of self-esteem and 37.5% had a xvi medium level of self-esteem; accepting the research hypothesis: Selfesteem is at the average level in the 5th Grade Primary Students of the Educational Institution N ° 60055 ―Serafín Filomeno‖ of the city of Iquitos during the year 2021.
The objective of the Research was: To determine the level of Selfesteem that 5th Grade Primary Students have at Educational Institution No. 60055 ―Serafín Filomeno‖ in the city of Iquitos during the year 2021. The research for the purpose was Applied, of a descriptive type, of a non-experimental general design and a specific design was the crosssectional descriptive. The population was made up of 40 Students and the sample was represented by 100% of the population, the selection of the sample was intentional non-probabilistic In the data collection the survey was used and the data collection instrument was the questionnaire. The information processing was carried out mechanically on the basis of data, organizing them in tables and graphs. The analysis and interpretation of the data was carried out using descriptive statistics. The results showed that, of 40 students, 27.5% of students had a low level of self-esteem, 35% had a high level of self-esteem and 37.5% had a xvi medium level of self-esteem; accepting the research hypothesis: Selfesteem is at the average level in the 5th Grade Primary Students of the Educational Institution N ° 60055 ―Serafín Filomeno‖ of the city of Iquitos during the year 2021.
Autoestima, Social, Académica, Afectiva, Self-esteem, Social, Academic, Affective
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