Conciencia ambiental de los pobladores en dos asentamientos humanos en la carretera Santo Tomas – San Juan Bautista 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como finalidad evaluar la conciencia ambiental de los pobladores en dos asentamientos humanos en la carretera Santo Tomas - San Juan Bautista 2021. Para el cual se realizó una investigación de tipo descriptivo y diseño no experimental transversal.
La recolección de datos se realizó a través de encuesta a 120 viviendas, cuyas edades de los habitantes encuestados fluctúan entre los 19 a 69 años, hombres y mujeres. La población en estudio estuvo conformada por 384 viviendas en el asentamiento humano 30 de Agosto y 389 viviendas en el asentamiento humano Santa Rosa de Lima, y la muestra estuvo constituida por 59 viviendas en el asentamiento humano 30 de Agosto y 61 viviendas en el asentamiento humano Santa Rosa de Lima. Para el procesamiento de la información se utilizó el programa Microsoft Excel 2016 y el uso de la estadística descriptiva y promedio porcentual. Se concluye que los pobladores de los asentamientos humanos 30 de Agosto y Santa Rosa de Lima manifestaron que nunca se realizan charlas de educación ambiental en su sector; por ello el 36% y 93% de los pobladores estarían muy interesados en recibir información sobre como trabajar conciencia ambiental.
The purpose of this research work was to evaluate the environmental awareness of the inhabitants in two human settlements along Santo Tomas - San Juan Bautista 2021 road. For achieving this purpose, a descriptive and non-experimental cross-sectional design was carried out. The data collection was carried out through surveys in 120 homes, and the ages of the surveyed inhabitants fluctuated between 19 to 69 years, men and women. The study population was made up of 384 homes in “30 de Agosto” human settlement and 389 homes in “Santa Rosa de Lima” human settlement, and the sample consisted of 59 homes in 30 de Agosto human settlement and 61 homes in Santa Rosa de Lima human settlement. For the information processing, the Microsoft Excel 2016 program was used; besides, the use of descriptive statistics and percentage average supported this process. It is concluded that the inhabitants of the human settlements 30 de Agosto and Santa Rosa de Lima stated that talks on environmental education are never held in their sectors. Therefore, 36% and 93% of the residents, respectively, would be very interested in receiving information on how to work on environmental awareness.
The purpose of this research work was to evaluate the environmental awareness of the inhabitants in two human settlements along Santo Tomas - San Juan Bautista 2021 road. For achieving this purpose, a descriptive and non-experimental cross-sectional design was carried out. The data collection was carried out through surveys in 120 homes, and the ages of the surveyed inhabitants fluctuated between 19 to 69 years, men and women. The study population was made up of 384 homes in “30 de Agosto” human settlement and 389 homes in “Santa Rosa de Lima” human settlement, and the sample consisted of 59 homes in 30 de Agosto human settlement and 61 homes in Santa Rosa de Lima human settlement. For the information processing, the Microsoft Excel 2016 program was used; besides, the use of descriptive statistics and percentage average supported this process. It is concluded that the inhabitants of the human settlements 30 de Agosto and Santa Rosa de Lima stated that talks on environmental education are never held in their sectors. Therefore, 36% and 93% of the residents, respectively, would be very interested in receiving information on how to work on environmental awareness.
Conciencia ambiental, Botaderos informales, Asentamiento humano, Viviendas, Environmental awareness, Informal dumps, Human settlement, Housing
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