Percepción de la violencia de género, en estudiantes de la Universidad Científica del Perú, Iquitos - 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar la percepción de la violencia, hacia sí mismos y hacia la pareja, en estudiantes de la carrera de derecho y de psicología de una Universidad privada de la ciudad de Iquitos 2020. El tipo de investigación fue descriptivo comparativo y cuantitativo transversal prospectivo no experimental. La muestra poblacional estuvo conformada por 200 alumnos entre varones y mujeres que cursaron del V al X ciclo. La técnica utilizada en la presente investigación, es una encuesta estructurada, encuesta del Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS2) versión revisada del original (Strauss et al., 1996), adaptada a la población peruana por Vara (1999). Los resultados de la violencia ejercida hacia sus parejas, por parte de estudiantes de Derecho, arrojo que el 28.2% ejerció violencia psicológica, un 14.36% lo hizo en forma física y el 14.4% alguna vez ejerció violencia sexual sobre su pareja. Con relación a los estudiantes de Psicología, el 28.6 % ejerció violencia psicológica, un 13.7% ejerció violencia física y el 12% alguna vez ejerció violencia sexual sobre su pareja. Dentro de la violencia percibida hacia sí mismas, por parte de la pareja, en las estudiantes de la escuela de Derecho se encontró que el 24.7% de estudiantes han sido víctimas de violencia psicológica, el 20% ha sufrido violencia física, y el 31.2% alguna vez fue violentada sexualmente, en las estudiantes de Psicología el 17.3% fue violentada Psicológicamente, el 14.4% alguna vez recibió violencia física y el 27.4% fue violentada sexualmente y se concluye que no hay resultados de márgenes tan significativos estadísticamente.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the perception of violence, towards themselves and towards the partner, in students of the law and psychology career of a private university in the city of Iquitos 2020. The type of research was descriptive comparative and non-experimental prospective cross-sectional quantitative. The population sample consisted of 200 male and female students who studied from 5th to 10th cycle. The technique used in this research is a structured survey, a survey of the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS2) revised version of the original (Strauss et al., 1996), adapted to the Peruvian population by Vara (1999). The results of violence against their partners, by law students, showed that 28.2% exercised psychological violence, 14.36% did so physically and 14.4% ever exercised sexual violence against their partner. Regarding Psychology students, 28.6% exercised psychological violence, 13.7% exercised physical violence, and 12% once exercised sexual violence against their partner. Within the violence perceived against themselves, by the partner, in the law school students it was found that 24.7% of students have been victims of psychological violence, 20% have suffered physical violence, and 31.2% they were ever sexually violated, in Psychology students 17.3% were psychologically violated, 14.4% had ever received physical violence and 27.4% were sexually assaulted and it is concluded that there are no results with such statistically significant margins.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the perception of violence, towards themselves and towards the partner, in students of the law and psychology career of a private university in the city of Iquitos 2020. The type of research was descriptive comparative and non-experimental prospective cross-sectional quantitative. The population sample consisted of 200 male and female students who studied from 5th to 10th cycle. The technique used in this research is a structured survey, a survey of the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS2) revised version of the original (Strauss et al., 1996), adapted to the Peruvian population by Vara (1999). The results of violence against their partners, by law students, showed that 28.2% exercised psychological violence, 14.36% did so physically and 14.4% ever exercised sexual violence against their partner. Regarding Psychology students, 28.6% exercised psychological violence, 13.7% exercised physical violence, and 12% once exercised sexual violence against their partner. Within the violence perceived against themselves, by the partner, in the law school students it was found that 24.7% of students have been victims of psychological violence, 20% have suffered physical violence, and 31.2% they were ever sexually violated, in Psychology students 17.3% were psychologically violated, 14.4% had ever received physical violence and 27.4% were sexually assaulted and it is concluded that there are no results with such statistically significant margins.
Violencia, Psicológico, Físico, Sexual, Estudiantes, Violence, Psychological, Physical, Sexual, Students
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