Relación entre la agresividad y las habilidades sociales en adolescentes entre 15 y 18 años, en zona rural y urbana de los Distritos De Iquitos Y San Juan Bautista - 2022
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Universidad Cientìfica del Perù
Se realizó una investigación con el objetivo de comprobar si existía relación entre la agresividad evaluada mediante la Escala de Agresividad de Buss y las habilidades sociales evaluada con la Escala de Habilidades Sociales, en adolescentes cuyas edades oscilaban entre 15 y 18 años, provenientes de zona rural y zona urbana de los distritos de Iquitos y San Juan Bautista en el año 2022. La muestra estuvo conformada por 120 adolescentes que fueron seleccionados por muestreo no probabilístico de tipo intencional. Fue un estudio descriptivo explicativo, de nivel correlacional que aplicó la correlación No Paramétrica de Spearman. Se trató de una investigación con enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental y de corte transversal. El procedimiento estadístico se realizó con el apoyo del programa estadístico SPSS Versión 25 y del Programa Excel 365. En función a los objetivos específicos se procedió a correlacionar la puntuación total en la Escala de Agresividad de Buss con las tres áreas consideradas por la Escala de Habilidades Sociales (Habilidades Sociales Básicas, Habilidades Sociales Avanzadas y Habilidades Sociales Alternativas). Los instrumentos aplicados contaban con la debida validez y confiabilidad comprobadas en nuestro medio. El procesamiento estadístico encontró correlaciones directas, inversas y significativas entre la agresividad y las habilidades sociales mencionadas, en el sentido que a medida que se incrementan los niveles de agresividad disminuyen los niveles de habilidades sociales involucrados, con lo cual se comprobaron las hipótesis planteadas. Se formularon las conclusiones y las respectivas recomendaciones y se elaboraron las respectivas tablas y gráficos estadísticos.
An investigation was carried out with the objective of verifying if there was a relationship between aggressiveness evaluated by the Buss Aggressiveness Scale and social skills evaluated with the Social Skills Scale, in adolescents whose ages ranged between 15 and 18 years, from rural areas. and urban area of the districts of Iquitos and San Juan Bautista in the year 2022. The sample consisted of 120 adolescents who were selected by intentional non-probabilistic sampling. It was an explanatory descriptive study, at a correlational level that applied Spearman's NonParametric correlation. It was a research with a quantitative approach, nonexperimental and cross-sectional design. The statistical procedure was carried out with the support of the statistical program SPSS Version 25 and the Excel 365 Program. Depending on the specific objectives, the total score on the Buss Aggressiveness Scale was correlated with the three areas considered by the Skills Scale. Social (Basic Social Skills, Advanced Social Skills and Alternative Social Skills). The applied instruments had the due validity and reliability verified in our environment. Statistical processing found direct, inverse and significant correlations between aggressiveness and the aforementioned social skills, in the sense that as aggressiveness levels increase, the levels of social skills involved decrease, thus confirming the hypotheses proposed. The conclusions and the respective recommendations were formulated and the respective tables and statistical graphs were elaborated.
An investigation was carried out with the objective of verifying if there was a relationship between aggressiveness evaluated by the Buss Aggressiveness Scale and social skills evaluated with the Social Skills Scale, in adolescents whose ages ranged between 15 and 18 years, from rural areas. and urban area of the districts of Iquitos and San Juan Bautista in the year 2022. The sample consisted of 120 adolescents who were selected by intentional non-probabilistic sampling. It was an explanatory descriptive study, at a correlational level that applied Spearman's NonParametric correlation. It was a research with a quantitative approach, nonexperimental and cross-sectional design. The statistical procedure was carried out with the support of the statistical program SPSS Version 25 and the Excel 365 Program. Depending on the specific objectives, the total score on the Buss Aggressiveness Scale was correlated with the three areas considered by the Skills Scale. Social (Basic Social Skills, Advanced Social Skills and Alternative Social Skills). The applied instruments had the due validity and reliability verified in our environment. Statistical processing found direct, inverse and significant correlations between aggressiveness and the aforementioned social skills, in the sense that as aggressiveness levels increase, the levels of social skills involved decrease, thus confirming the hypotheses proposed. The conclusions and the respective recommendations were formulated and the respective tables and statistical graphs were elaborated.
Niveles de Agresividad, Habilidades Sociales, Educación Básica Regular, Aggressiveness Levels, Social Skills, Regular Basic Education
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