Conocimientos y prácticas de autocuidado frente al covid-19 en vendedores del mercado Belén, Iquitos. 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente estudio de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el
nivel de conocimiento y las prácticas de autocuidado frente al COVID-19
en vendedores del Mercado “Belén”, Iquitos. 2022; con un enfoque
cuantitativo, no experimental, transversal, descriptivo, prospectivo y
correlacional; la técnica utilizada, fue la observación y la encuesta, el
instrumento fue el cuestionario y la guía de práctica, con una población de
400 participantes, de ambos sexos y una muestra de 200 participantes,
esta muestra se obtuvo realizando una selección de muestreo no
probabilístico por conveniencia. Resultado: el 18.5% de los vendedores
del mercado fueron de sexo femenino, en edades de 18 – 29 años; y en el
sexo masculino el 21.5% se encuentran en el rango de edad de 30 – 59
años; en lo que respecta a grado de instrucción el 39.5% del sexo
femenino tienen grado de instrucción secundaria, a su vez el 32% de sexo
masculino, también cuentan con secundaria; lo que se concluye que las
vendedoras del sexo femenino, son las más jóvenes, y ambos tienen
estudios secundarios. El 41.5% pertenece a un nivel de conocimiento
medio, lo que se concluye que los vendedores cuentan con regular
porcentaje de conocimiento, infiriendo que durante la pandemia, los
medios de comunicación tuvieron un rol importante en la toma de
conciencia en la población. El 54.5% tienen prácticas de autocuidado
adecuadas, concluyendo que los riesgos a adquirir el covid – 19 son
menores, para comprobar la relación estadísticas de ambas variables se
utilizó la prueba estadísticas del chi cuadrado que el nivel de significancia
de α=0,05, demostrando que existe una relación significativa, entre los
conocimientos y las prácticas de autocuidado frente al COVID-19 en
vendedores del Mercado Belén. Aceptando la hipótesis alternativa
The objective of this research study was to determine the level of knowledge and self-care practices against COVID-19 in vendors at the "Belén" Market, Iquitos. 2022; with a quantitative, non-experimental, crosssectional, descriptive, prospective and correlational approach; the technique used was observation and the survey, the instrument was the questionnaire and the practice guide, with a population of 400 participants, of both sexes and a sample of 200 participants, this sample was obtained by making a non-probabilistic sampling selection for convenience. Result: 18.5% of the market vendors were female, aged 18-29 years; and in the male sex, 21.5% are in the age range of 30 - 59 years; Regarding the level of education, 39.5% of the female sex have a secondary education degree, while 32% of the male sex also have a secondary education; which concludes that the female vendors are the youngest, and both have secondary studies. 41.5% belong to a medium level of knowledge, which concludes that sellers have a regular percentage of knowledge, inferring that during the pandemic, the media played an important role in raising awareness among the population. 54.5% have adequate self-care practices, concluding that the risks of acquiring covid - 19 are lower, to verify the statistical relationship of both variables, the chi-square statistical test was used with the significance level of α=0.05, demonstrating that there is a significant relationship between knowledge and self-care practices against COVID-19 in vendors at the Belén Market. Accepting the proposed alternative hypothesis.
The objective of this research study was to determine the level of knowledge and self-care practices against COVID-19 in vendors at the "Belén" Market, Iquitos. 2022; with a quantitative, non-experimental, crosssectional, descriptive, prospective and correlational approach; the technique used was observation and the survey, the instrument was the questionnaire and the practice guide, with a population of 400 participants, of both sexes and a sample of 200 participants, this sample was obtained by making a non-probabilistic sampling selection for convenience. Result: 18.5% of the market vendors were female, aged 18-29 years; and in the male sex, 21.5% are in the age range of 30 - 59 years; Regarding the level of education, 39.5% of the female sex have a secondary education degree, while 32% of the male sex also have a secondary education; which concludes that the female vendors are the youngest, and both have secondary studies. 41.5% belong to a medium level of knowledge, which concludes that sellers have a regular percentage of knowledge, inferring that during the pandemic, the media played an important role in raising awareness among the population. 54.5% have adequate self-care practices, concluding that the risks of acquiring covid - 19 are lower, to verify the statistical relationship of both variables, the chi-square statistical test was used with the significance level of α=0.05, demonstrating that there is a significant relationship between knowledge and self-care practices against COVID-19 in vendors at the Belén Market. Accepting the proposed alternative hypothesis.
Nivel de Conocimiento, Prácticas de autocuidado, Covid 19, Level of knowledge, Self-care practices, Covid 19
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