Conocimiento y práctica de medidas preventivas sobre VIH/SIDA en adolescentes de dos centros educativos nivel secundario de Iquitos 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre el
conocimiento y prácticas de medidas preventivas sobre VIH/SIDA en
adolescentes de dos Centros Educativos Nivel Secundario de Iquitos 2023.
Utilizando un diseño de Investigación Cuantitativo de diseño no
experimental correlacional, Transversal, descriptiva, prospectiva
entrevistando a 250 que es 100% de la población a estudiantes entre las
edades de 12 a 17 años de dos centros educativos, se utilizó como
instrumento de recolección de datos el cuestionario de conocimiento y
practica de VIH/SIDA de 14 ítem cada una. Dando como resultado que el
52.3% de adolescentes pertenecientes a I.E Alexander Von H. tuvieron un
nivel de conocimiento adecuado, sin embargo, el 58.8% de la I.E Simón
Bolívar conocimiento inadecuado sobre VIH/SIDA. Se encontró que el
50.0% de adolescentes de ambas instituciones educativas practican
medidas preventivas sobre VIH/SIDA y se encontró una relación
estadísticamente significativa (p=0.002) entre el conocimiento sobre
VIH/SIDA y las prácticas de medidas preventivas que presentaron los
adolescentes participantes del estudio. Llegando a la conclusión que los
alumnos de ambas instituciones educativas muestran regular conocimiento
sobre VIH/SIDA y que practican medidas preventivas de actividades
The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between knowledge and practices of preventive measures on HIV / AIDS in adolescents from two Secondary Education Centers of Iquitos 2023. Using a Quantitative Research design of a non-experimental correlational, Crosssectional, descriptive, prospective interviewing design. To 250, which is 100% of the population, students between the ages of 12 and 17 from two educational centers, the HIV/AIDS knowledge and practice questionnaire of 14 items each was used as a data collection instrument. Resulting in 52.3% of adolescents belonging to I.E Alexander Von H. had an adequate level of knowledge, however, 58.8% of I.E Simón Bolívar had inadequate knowledge about HIV/AIDS. It was found that 50.0% of adolescents from both educational institutions practice preventive measures on HIV/AIDS and a statistically significant relationship (p=0.002) was found between Knowledge about HIV/AIDS and the practices of preventive measures presented by adolescents participating in the study. Reaching the conclusion that the students of both educational institutions show regular knowledge about HIV / AIDS and that they practice preventive measures of sexual activities.
The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between knowledge and practices of preventive measures on HIV / AIDS in adolescents from two Secondary Education Centers of Iquitos 2023. Using a Quantitative Research design of a non-experimental correlational, Crosssectional, descriptive, prospective interviewing design. To 250, which is 100% of the population, students between the ages of 12 and 17 from two educational centers, the HIV/AIDS knowledge and practice questionnaire of 14 items each was used as a data collection instrument. Resulting in 52.3% of adolescents belonging to I.E Alexander Von H. had an adequate level of knowledge, however, 58.8% of I.E Simón Bolívar had inadequate knowledge about HIV/AIDS. It was found that 50.0% of adolescents from both educational institutions practice preventive measures on HIV/AIDS and a statistically significant relationship (p=0.002) was found between Knowledge about HIV/AIDS and the practices of preventive measures presented by adolescents participating in the study. Reaching the conclusion that the students of both educational institutions show regular knowledge about HIV / AIDS and that they practice preventive measures of sexual activities.
Conocimiento, Prevención, VIH/SIDA, Knowledge, Prevention, HIV/AIDS
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