A network of Burkard 7-day spore - recording traps was set up in the Walloon Region in Belgium to monitor the airborne inoculum of wheat pathogens. The relationship between the airborne inoculum of Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici, the causal agent of stripe rust, and the disese incidence on plants in untreated plots locaed near each spore traps was studied during the 2008-2009 season. The presence of airborne inoculum was tested in four locations on tapes collected from the Burkard spore traps from 1 April to 14 June 2009. Total DNA from each fragment of spore trap tape corresponding to 1 day sampling was extracted. P. striiformis f. sp. tritici was quantified by real-time polymerase chain reaction(PCR) assay using specific primers and SYBRGreen. The airborne inoculum of P.striiformis was frist detected between 7 and 13 April 2009, depending on the location in the Walloon Region. The first syptoms of sripe rust were observed in the fields between 15 May and 2 June 2009. The onset of the disease symptoms was always preceded by a higher peak of airborne inoculum about 15 days earlier. When P. striiformis f.sp. tritici was detected, the daily quantities of spores, collected from a volume of air of 14.4m3, fluctuated between O.23 and 154.66. This study shows that spore traps coupled with realtime PCR could be used to assess the airborne inoculum of P. Striiformis in order to understand and predict stripe rust outbreaks?
Dedeurwaerder, Géraldine ; Duvivier, Maxime ; Mvuyenkure, S.M. ; Renard, Marie Eve ; Van Hese, Viviane ; et. al. Spore traps network : a new tool for predicting epidemics of wheat yellow rust.the 63rd International Symposium on Crop Protection (Gent, Belgium, du 24/05/2011 au 24/05/2011). In: Faculty of Bioscience Engineering / Universiteit Gent, Proceedings of the 63rd International Symposium on Crop Protection, Universiteit Gent : Gent2011, p. 573-964