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Users’ and Health Professionals’ Values in Relation to a Psychiatric Intervention: The Case of Psychiatric Advance Directives
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Although clinical and organisational benefits have been expected from Psychiatric Advance Directives (PADs), their take-up rates remain low and their evaluation disappointing. The endorsement of PADs by stakeholders is decisive for their use and understanding stakeholders’ preferences for implementation is crucial. A Multinomial Discrete Choice analysis was carried out of options for designing, completing, and honouring PADs, with a view to enhancing user autonomy, therapeutic alliance, care coordination, and feasibility. Although autonomy underlies the whole process, the criteria determining options varied with the stage of the intervention. These criteria should be taken into account in future PAD intervention and evaluation processes.
Document type | Article de périodique (Journal article) – Article de recherche |
Access type | Accès embargo |
Publication date | 2015 |
Language | Anglais |
Journal information | "Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research" - Vol. 42, no. 4, p. 384-393 (2015) |
Peer reviewed | yes |
Publisher | Springer New York LLC ((United States) Secaucus, NJ) |
issn | 0894-587X |
e-issn | 1573-3289 |
Publication status | Publié |
Affiliation | UCL - SSS/IRSS - Institut de recherche santé et société |
Keywords | Psychiatric Advance Directives ; Crisis plans ; Therapeutic alliance ; Delivery of health care ; Integrated ; MHSR |
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Bibliographic reference | Nicaise, Pablo ; Soto Rojas, Victoria ; Dubois, Vincent ; Lorant, Vincent. Users’ and Health Professionals’ Values in Relation to a Psychiatric Intervention: The Case of Psychiatric Advance Directives. In: Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, Vol. 42, no. 4, p. 384-393 (2015) |
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