Schepens, Bénédicte
Detrembleur, Christine
During walking, muscles must perform positive work to replace the energy lost from the body at each step, even if the average speed is constant and the terrain level. Young children have immature and irregular walk, but little is known about the effect of this walking pattern on the muscular external work done. Our objective was to measure using force platforms and the method of Cavagna (J Appl Physiol 39:174-179, 1975) the amount of muscular external work done by 1-year-old-, 4-year-old children and adults during walking. We were interested to quantify the approximation made by measuring only the positive external work done and assuming it reflects the external work done. After having confirmed that young children were not able to walk at a constant average speed over a complete number of steps, we showed the effect of the selection of trials by measuring the external work done assuming the amount of positive work done is equal to the negative work done (supposing there is no acceleration or deceleration over a complete number of steps). We observed that even if young subjects were not able to walk at a constant lateral speed over a complete number of steps, the amount of work done to maintain the center of mass movements in the transversal plane is not more than 10% of the external positive work done. This observational study points out that the measurement of external work, a good summary indicator for the gait mechanics, may be interpreted precociously when the population studied walked irregularly.
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Bibliographic reference |
Schepens, Bénédicte ; Detrembleur, Christine. Calculation of the external work done during walking in very young children. In: European Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol. 107, no. 3, p. 367-373 (2009) |
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