The EFSA Panel on Plant Health performed a pest categorisation of Atalodera andina (Nematoda: Heteroderidae) for the European Union (EU) territory. A. andina belongs to the order Rhabditida, subfamily Ataloderinae. This species has not been reported from the EU. It is not included in the EU Commission Implementing Regulation 2019/2072. It is present in the area of the Lake Titicaca of both Peru and Bolivia and in valleys of the region. There is a report in literature stating that specimens were obtained from Chile and identified as A. andina but details on their geographical origin were not given. The identity of A. andina is well established and methods of its identification are available. Natural hosts include the tuber crops Ullucus tuberosus, Oxalis tuberosa and the Andean potato (Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum). Experimental hosts include plants of the genus Brassica (such as B. oleracea, B. napus, B. campestris), sugar beet, tomato and clover. Pathways of entry are host plants for planting including seed tubers, subterranean parts of plants intended for consumption, soil as such or attached to plants for planting, machinery or footwear, soil in packaging (bags). Suitable climates exist in the EU but their extent is uncertain and depends on assumptions made on the occurrence of the pest around Lake Titicaca. In the EU, potato, which is grown on about 1,500,000 ha annually, is expected to be the main host of the nematode. Soil and plants for planting are prohibited from import to the EU from third countries where the pest is known to occur. However, this does not cover hosts of A. andina other than species of Solanaceae. The nematode has been reported to damage Andean potato crops, although this has not been quantified. Following its introduction in the EU, A. andina is expected to cause impacts on potato (S. tuberosum subsp. tuberosum), although there is uncertainty on the magnitude of this impact. Also damage on other hosts cannot be excluded. Therefore, the Panel concludes that A. andina satisfies all the criteria that are within the remit of EFSA to assess for it to be regarded as a potential Union quarantine pest.
Bragard, Claude ; Baptista, Paula ; Chatzivassiliou, Elisavet ; Di Serio, Francesco ; Gonthier, Paolo ; et. al. Pest categorisation of Atalodera andina. In: EFSA Journal, Vol. 20, no.6, p. 7395 (2022)