We present a low-scale type-I seesaw scenario with discrete flavor and CP symmetries. This scenario not only explains the measured values of the lepton mixing angles, but also makes predictions for leptonic CP violation, and connects the low-energy CP phases relevant for neutrino oscillation and neutrinoless double beta decay experiments with the high-energy CP phases relevant for leptogenesis. We show that the three right-handed Majorana neutrinos in this scenario have (almost) degenerate masses and their decays can explain the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe via resonant leptogenesis. We study the correlation of the predicted baryon asymmetry with lepton-number-violating signals at high-energy colliders, including both prompt and displaced vertex/long-lived signatures, as well as in low-energy neutrinoless double beta decay experiments. We find that the normal ordering of light neutrino masses leads to an enhanced collider signal, whereas the neutrinoless double beta decay provides a promising probe in the inverted ordering case.
Chauhan, Garv ; et. al. Interplay between resonant leptogenesis, neutrinoless double beta decay and collider signals in a model with flavor and CP symmetries. In: Nuclear Physics B, Vol. 986, art. 116058 (2023)