Vaianopoulos, Céline
Bragard, Claude
Bymoviruses such as Baley mild mosaic virus, Barley yellow mosaic virus, Oat mosaic virus, Rice necrosis mosaic virus, Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus and Wheat yellow mosaic virus, are responsible for mosaic diseases on barley, oat, rice, rye and wheat crops. Such viruses are encountered worldwide in cereal growing areas,causing significant yield losses. Traditionally, bymoviruses were detected by serological tehniques like immunosorbent electron microscopy (ISEM) or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). More recently, RT-PCR techniques such as traditional RT-PCR, immuno-capture RT-PCR, and multiplex RT-PCR, have been proposed for a sensitive detection. Real-time , and multiplex RT-PCR allowed to quantify bymovirus presence in the leaf and root samples, offering a precious alternative to ELISA. The following chapter provides a review of the numerous and different techniques published on the identification of bymoviruses on cereals.

Bibliographic reference |
Vaianopoulos, Céline ; Bragard, Claude. Chapter 1 : Bymovirus on cereals. In: Rao,G.P., Characterization, Diagnosis & Management of Plant Viruses Vol 4, Studium Press LLC : USA 2008, p. 3-18 pp |
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