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13ème Congrès International de Neuropsychanalyse: « From Addiction to Relationships: Neuropsychoanalytic Perspectives on Craving, Caring and Clinging», Bazan, A., Detandt, S., Tiete, J, From ‘Jouissance’ to ‘Wanting’ : On the relevance of a Lacanian concept to understand the wiring of the brain in a

Bibliographic reference Detandt, Sandrine. 13ème Congrès International de Neuropsychanalyse: « From Addiction to Relationships: Neuropsychoanalytic Perspectives on Craving, Caring and Clinging», Bazan, A., Detandt, S., Tiete, J, From ‘Jouissance’ to ‘Wanting’ : On the relevance of a Lacanian concept to understand the wiring of the brain in a.13ème Congrès International de Neuropsychanalyse: « From Addiction to Relationships: Neuropsychoanalytic Perspectives on Craving (Athènes, Grèce , du 14/06/2012 au 16/06/2012).
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