Urban Wind Turbines

Estadístiques de LA Referencia / Recolecta
Inclou dades d'ús des de 2022
Cita com:
Tutor / directorRoosimölder, Lembit
Realitzat a/amb4Energia
Tipus de documentProjecte/Treball Final de Carrera
Condicions d'accésAccés obert
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The purpose of this project is a feasibility study of using urban wind turbines near populated areas.
Urban wind turbines are rarely used nowadays and they are a new field to discover. This
project involves researching different technical and design solutions, their advantages and disadvantages, all the problems which have appeared about noise, shadows and more, if there are any machines which are already running and any prototypes for the future.
Some design methods are used to analyse the different possible options. These methods
will help us to compare and find out the most suitable solutions.
The results of this study will be used by “4 ENERGIA”, an Estonian Company which aims
are to develop renewable energy industry and operate power production. This project is
done in collaboration with the company and the research will provide them valuable
information for using urban wind turbines in the future.
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