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Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences / Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences >
北方言語研究 = Northern Language Studies >
第1号 >

ウイルタ語北方言テキスト : スルクタの作り方

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Title: ウイルタ語北方言テキスト : スルクタの作り方
Other Titles: Uilta Texts in Northern Dialect : How to Cook Sulukta
Authors: 山田, 祥子1 Browse this author
Authors(alt): Yamada, Yoshiko1
Issue Date: 25-Mar-2011
Publisher: 北海道大学大学院文学研究科
Journal Title: 北方言語研究
Journal Title(alt): Northern Language Studies
Volume: 1
Start Page: 217
End Page: 228
CiNii Research CRID: 1050282813984877440
Abstract: This paper aims to present two texts of the Northern Dialect of Uilta (one of the Tungusic languages, distributed on Sakhalin Island in Russia). The common theme of the texts is how to cook one of their traditional preserved foods named sulukta, which is made from boiled and crushed meat of fish. The first text (Chapter 1.3 in this paper) was told by Ms. Irina Jakovlevna Fedjaeva who was born in the village Val in 1940. The present author wrote the explanation in Uilta from her dictation in October 28th 2010 in Val, Sakhalin oblast. The second text (Chapter 2.3 in this paper) was told by Ms. Elena Alekseevna Bibikova who was born in a camping place Dagi in 1940. The present author recorded her oral explanation based on her own manuscript in Uilta in October 18th 2010 in Nogliki, Sakhalin oblast.
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:北方言語研究 = Northern Language Studies > 第1号

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