Multicriteria decision-making method for sustainable site location of post-disaster temporary housing in urban areas

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Data publicació2016-09
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Many people lose their homes around the world every year because of natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes. In the aftermath of a natural disaster, the displaced people (DP) have to move to temporary housing (TH) and do not have the ability to choose the settlement dimensions, distributions, neighborhood, or other characteristics of their TH. Additionally, post-disaster settlement construction causes neighborhood changes, environmental degradation, and large-scale public expenditures. This paper presents a new model to support decision makers in choosing site locations for TH. The model is capable of determining the optimal site location based on the integration of economic, social, and environmental aspects into the whole life cycle of these houses. The integrated value model for sustainable assessment (MIVES), a multicriteria decision making (MCDM) model, is used to assess the sustainability of the aforementioned aspects, and MIVES includes the value function concept, which permits indicator homogenization by taking into account the satisfaction of the involved stakeholders.
CitacióHosseini, S.M.A., de la Fuente, A., Pons-Valladares, O. Multicriteria decision-making method for sustainable site location of post-disaster temporary housing in urban areas. "Journal of construction engineering and management (ASCE)", Setembre 2016, vol. 142, núm. 9, p. 04016036-1-04016036-13.
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