Rework in urban renewal projects in Colombia

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Data publicació2017-06
Condicions d'accésAccés obert
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There a paucity of systematic knowledge on the dynamics of rework in urban renewal projects even though such projects frequently exceed budget and schedule. The causal factors of rework and cost impact upon 69 Colombian public projects are examined. The nomenclature of Project, Organization and People (POP) is used to categorize causal variables and develop a generic systemic model of rework causation. Inadequate initial budgets, poor project design (which instigated changes during construction) and the socially inclusivity of contracts in Colombia (which employ local inexperienced people to conduct the required works), were the most significant contributors of rework. The developed model provides decision-makers and stakeholders with insights about the interdependencies and behaviour between key influencing variables in Colombian urban renewal projects and can be used to stimulate learning and process improvements in future projects.
CitacióForcada, N., Álvarez, A. P., Love, P.E.D, Edwards, D. J. Rework in urban renewal projects in Colombia. "Journal of infrastructure systems", Juny 2017, vol. 23, núm. 2, p. 04016034/1-04016034/11.
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