Prácticum en la Oficina Técnica de la Cámara de la Propiedad Urbana de Barcelona

Estadístiques de LA Referencia / Recolecta
Inclou dades d'ús des de 2022
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Tipus de documentTreball Final de Grau
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Tots els drets reservats. Aquesta obra està protegida pels drets de propietat intel·lectual i
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reproducció, distribució, comunicació pública o transformació sense l'autorització de la persona titular dels drets
In this final work, as a main objective I intend to explain and teach what I learned during my internship in an external company, since I started from the base of having a lot of theory learned from all these years along the career, but it had to be put into practice all that knowledge and try to learn everything possible in various professional fields and to develop yourself.
In order to obtain new knowledge and skills, I have been performing different tasks, which responsibility has been growing as my seniority in the company continued. I have always been accompanied by my colleagues, who have been in charge of helping me and showing me at all times the different tasks that a technical architect can perform in the Technical Office which I am part of.
During my stay, it is planned to carry out several reform and rehabilitation projects, technical inspections in buildings, which indirectly provides a lot of learning about pathologies in the construction, development of energy certificates, budgets and measurements.
In conclusion, I can say that a large part of the initial objectives has been fulfilled, I have been able to apply what I have learned, but above all I have learned much more to solve problems and unforeseen problems in our work environment sector. These facts give me a lot of information and knowledge to apply them in my professional future and continue to grow as a technical architect.
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