Living labs in architecture : open innovation and co-creation towards a more sustainable architecture and lifestyle

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Living Labs in Architecture can be tools towards a holistic knowledge generation and transmission, using real built environments for user-centred research and innovation as well as collaborative learning at a university campus and beyond. The present article describes existing living lab concepts and definitions, focusing on co-creation processes, methodologies for open innovation, and participatory learning approaches, with the LOW3 solar house living lab at UPC-Barcelona Tech as case study. Outcomes and lessons learned can serve as example for similar initiatives, establishing Architecture Living Labs as open, collaborative learning environments, innovation arenas, and places of social interchange, empowering communities in their learning and progress towards a more sustainable lifestyle.
CitacióMasseck, T. Living labs in architecture : open innovation and co-creation towards a more sustainable architecture and lifestyle. A: World Sustainable Building Conference. "WSB 14 Conference Proceedings". Barcelona: 2014.
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