Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project: Conservation and environmental sustainability of vernacular architecture

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Estadístiques de LA Referencia / Recolecta
Inclou dades d'ús des de 2022
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Càtedra / Departament / Institut
Escola Politècnica Superior d'Edificació de Barcelona
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Tecnologia de l'Arquitectura
Tipus de documentAudiovisual
Data publicació2022-03-03
Condicions d'accésAccés obert
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Reconeixement-NoComercial-SenseObraDerivada 3.0 Espanya
English subtitles.
This online course (MOOC) is part of a wider effort to bridge the knowledge gap between the offer of higher education in most European universities and the practical skills and competencies needed in the rehabilitation sector. Actually, it is one out of 4 training courses developed in the ErasmusPlus SMART Rehabilitation 3.0 Project. The course offered by the University of Cyprus provides an introduction to the environmental features and strategies of vernacular architecture encountered in both urban and building scales. Particularly, this course highlights vernacular heritage significance, incorporated lessons regarding sustainability, threats related to physical degradation and lack of maintenance, as well as international regulatory framework regarding vernacular dwellings. Also, the course presents the methodology approach and good practices for environmental friendly conservation, enhancing the passive performance of vernacular buildings and the integration of passive and active systems.