Micro-hydro solutions in Alqueva Multipurpose Project (AMP) towards water-energy-environmental efficiency improvements

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Tutor / directorMachado da Silva Ramos, Helena Margarida
Tipus de documentTreball Final de Grau
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The aim of the current thesis is the evaluation of implementing micro-hydropower (MHP) solutions in water demand scenarios of irrigation systems. For the many advantages that micro production of energy brings to the grid, the use of excess energy of a irrigation water distribution system by the use of MHP, guarantying a water use efficiency and an energy production at the same time is studied.
Firstly a description of the study area, the Alqueva Multipurpose Project (AMP) is presented. With the data collected in EDIA and COTR and simulations using the software EPANET, it was possible to obtain the principal hydraulic parameters of the irrigation network.
The turbo machine theory allows to evaluate, accordingly the obtain results, which hydraulic machine is more suitable to apply in different conveyance water systems. It is presented the main energy converters and is verified the general performance curves of the hydraulic machines.
This study includes an economic analysis to evaluate the energy production viability by the implementation of the micro-hydropower in the Alqueva Multipurpose Project. In the analyses are used some of the principle economic parameters such as Internal Return Rate (IRR) and the Cost/Benefit ratio (C/B) to verify the viability of this project.
Additionally an environmental and social analysis is done, in order to evaluate the impact of this kind of renewable solutions.
This emphasise the promotion of the use of a green energy, with low carbon emissions, in order to assure a sustainable new future development in irrigation systems.
MatèriesHidroelectric power plants, Irrigation engineering, Centrals hidroelèctriques, Regatge -- Tècnica
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