Application of finite discrete element method in dynamic analysis of masonry structures

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Tipus de documentComunicació de congrés
Data publicació2015
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This paper presents the application of the numerical models for dynamic analysis of dry stone masonry structures strengthened with clamps and bolts and confined masonry structures based on finite discrete element method (FDEM). The proposed models considers the effects of the behavior of masonry structures due to dynamic action, crack initiation and propagation, energy dissipation mechanisms due to nonlinear effects, inertial effects due to motion, contact impact and attaining state of the rest that is a consequence of energy dissipation mechanisms in the structure. The models also include all relevant effects related to behavior of reinforcement in concrete and clams and bolts in stone blocks. The application of the model was performed on examples related to behavior of dry stone masonry structures strengthened with clamps and bolts as well as confined masonry wall.
CitacióNikolić, Željana; Smoljanović, Hrvoje; Zivaljić, Nikolina. Application of finite discrete element method in dynamic analysis of masonry structures. A: COMPLAS XIII. "COMPLAS XIII : proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Computational Plasticity : fundamentals and applications". CIMNE ed. Barcelona: CIMNE, 2015, p. 1020-1030.
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