Dynamic power reduction using data gating

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Kumar, Amit, 1978-

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There has been a constant need for low power techniques to achieve high performance at the lowest possible power dissipation. Lots of works have been done to achieve this target. These works have focused on the different aspects of power reduction. One of these aspects of power saving is Dynamic power reduction. This thesis work is focused on this aspect of power saving by reducing the unnecessary transitioning in the circuit. To achieve this, new method called data gating, is proposed here which stops unnecessary toggling in the circuit using different forms of gating mechanisms. This thesis is organized as follows; first chapter is about the low power design of CMOS circuits. That chapter covers the sources of power dissipation in ICs as well as the techniques that have been used to minimize the power consumption. Second chapter talks more about dynamic power consumption. Techniques used for reducing dynamic power consumption through reduction in switching activities are mentioned in that chapter. Also the new technique, Data Gating, to reduce dynamic power is proposed in second chapter. Third chapter talks about simulation setup, tools used for simulation. Results obtained from different simulations are presented in that chapter. Fourth Chapter is about the analysis of simulation results. It also outlines some possible limitations of the proposed method as well as certain points that need to be considered before applying new technique. Fifth and final chapter summarizes the conclusion and possible future work that can be done to enhance the proposed technique, Data Gating.



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