UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The amelioration of experimental chronic hypertension by vitamin E Rixon, Raymond Harwood


Chronic hypertension was induced in female albino rats. Amelioration by means of daily feeding of histidine and ascorbic acid, histidine and vitamin E, histidine and urease, vitamin E, urease and ammonium chloride was attempted. Blood pressures were determined under sodium pentathol anesthetic by the indirect method using the foot. Chronic hypertension was produced by two methods, (1) Injections of DCA. This method was found to give inconsistent results. Several modifications of this procedure were tried unsuccessfully. (2) The use of a choline deficient diet. This method proved to give consistent results in producing chronic hypertension. Vitamin E was the only substance found useful in ameliorating the experimental chronic hypertension. This amelioration resulted only in the presence of excess vitamin E. This fact was thought to give further evidence for the vasodilator properties of vitamin E. An hypothesis was advanced that DCA may inhibit the sympathetic nervous system, to sensitize the vascular responsiveness to pressor and depressor substances.

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