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タイトル: 精索静脈瘤の臨床的観察 第1報: 臨床的観察
その他のタイトル: Clinical studies of varicocele. 1: Clinical statistical analysis of varicocele
著者: 安本, 亮二  KAKEN_name
小早川, 等  KAKEN_name
川村, 正喜  KAKEN_name
岩井, 省三  KAKEN_name
結城, 清之  KAKEN_name
大山, 武司  KAKEN_name
松村, 俊宏  KAKEN_name
山口, 哲男  KAKEN_name
早原, 信行  KAKEN_name
川喜多, 順二  KAKEN_name
船井, 勝七  KAKEN_name
西島, 高明  KAKEN_name
辻田, 正昭  KAKEN_name
前川, 正信  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: YASUMOTO, Ryoji
IWAI, Shozo
YUUKI, Kiyoyuki
OHYAMA, Takeshi
MATSUMURA, Toshihiro
HAYAHARA, Nobuyuki
FUNAI, Katsuhichi
TSUJITA, Masaaki
MAEKAWA, Masanobu
キーワード: Varicocele
Statistical analysis
発行日: Feb-1988
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 34
号: 2
開始ページ: 309
終了ページ: 311
抄録: 年齢分布は40歳代までの症例が一番多く, 24例中20例83%を占めていた.主訴としては, 結婚後2~3年たつが, 子供ができないという不妊症が75%と圧倒的に多く, その次に陰嚢内容の腫大・不快感の順であった.全例とも左側に病変を認めた.精子数による分類では, oligospermiaの症例が15例62.5%と一番多く観察された.精子数と精索静脈瘤のgradeとの関係についてみると, gradeが高い程精子数が少なくなる傾向と精巣の萎縮がみられた.精索静脈瘤が観察された症例中5例に子供がおり, 子供ができないと訴える症例は8例61.5%であった.外来受診時の年齢と精巣の萎縮についてみると, 両者の間にはとりたてた関係を見出せなかった
A clinical statistical analysis was conducted of the patients with varicocele who visited the Department of Urology, Osaka City University, and its related hospitals. Regarding the age distribution, patients younger than 50 years old were predominant; this age group included 20 of 24 cases, or 83%. An overwhelming majority of the cases, 75%, had the main complaint of infertility; they had not been able to have children even after 2 to 3 years of marriage. The next most common complaint was swelling and/or an uncomfortable feeling of the contents of the scrotum. In all of the cases, the lesion was seen in the left side of the scrotum. When the patients were classified on the basis of the sperm count, oligospermia was predominant; it was seen in 15 cases (62.5%). A study on the relationship between the sperm count and the grade of varicocele revealed a tendency for the sperm count to show an inverse relationship with the grade. Testicular atrophy showed a direct correlation with the grade. Of the patients with varicocele, 5 patients had one or more children, while 8 patients (61.5%) complained of their inability to have a child. No particular relationship could be identified between the age at the time of visiting our Department as outpatients and the degree of testicular atrophy.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/119462
PubMed ID: 3376824
出現コレクション:Vol.34 No.2


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