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タイトル: White light emission of Mn-doped SnO-ZnO-P_2O_5 glass containing no rare earth cation
著者: Masai, Hirokazu  KAKEN_id
Fujiwara, Takumi
Matsumoto, Syuji
Takahashi, Yoshihiro
Iwasaki, Kenichiro
Tokuda, Yomei  KAKEN_id
Yoko, Toshinobu
著者名の別形: 正井, 博和
発行日: 25-Jul-2011
出版者: Optical Society of America
誌名: Optics Letters
巻: 36
号: 15
開始ページ: 2868
終了ページ: 2870
抄録: The authors have demonstrated white light emission of rare earth (RE)-free Mn-doped SnO-ZnO-P_2O_5 glass. The RE-free glass shows white light emission with a high value of quantum efficiency (QE) comparable to conventional crystalline phosphor. It is notable that the high QE value is attained for RE-free transparent glass, and the broad emission can be continuously tuned by both the amount of activator and the composition of the glass. Since this glass possesses low-melting property, we emphasize that the glass phosphor will lead to the development of a novel inorganic white-light-emitting device in combination with a solid state UV light-emitting source.
著作権等: © 2011 Optical Society of America.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/145987
DOI(出版社版): 10.1364/OL.36.002868
PubMed ID: 21808341


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