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タイトル: Copper isotope fractionation between aqueous compounds relevant to low temperature geochemistry and biology
著者: Fujii, Toshiyuki  KAKEN_id
Moynier, Frédéric
Abe, Minori
Nemoto, Keisuke
Albarède, Francis
著者名の別形: 藤井, 俊行
発行日: Jun-2013
出版者: Elsevier Ltd.
誌名: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
巻: 110
開始ページ: 29
終了ページ: 44
抄録: Isotope fractionation between the common Cu species present in solution (Cu[+], Cu[2+], hydroxide, chloride, sulfide, carbonate, oxalate, and ascorbate) has been investigated using both ab initio methods and experimental solvent extraction techniques. In order to establish unambiguously the existence of equilibrium isotope fractionation (as opposed to kinetic isotope fractionation), we first performed laboratory-scale liquid–liquid distribution experiments. Upon exchange between HCl medium and a macrocyclic complex, the [65]Cu/[63]Cu ratio fractionated by −1.06‰ to −0.39‰. The acidity dependence of the fractionation was appropriately explained by ligand exchange reactions between hydrated H2O and Cl[−] via intramolecular vibrations. The magnitude of the Cu isotope fractionation among important Cu ligands was also estimated by ab initio methods. The magnitude of the nuclear field shift effect to the Cu isotope fractionation represents only ∼3% of the mass-dependent fractionation. The theoretical estimation was expanded to chlorides, hydroxides, sulfides, sulfates, and carbonates under different conditions of pH. Copper isotope fractionation of up to 2‰ is expected for different forms of Cu present in seawater and for different sediments (carbonates, hydroxides, and sulfides). We found that Cu in dissolved carbonates and sulfates is isotopically much heavier (+0.6‰) than free Cu. Isotope fractionation of Cu in hydroxide is minimal. The relevance of these new results to the understanding of metabolic processes was also discussed. Copper is an essential element used by a large number of proteins for electron transfer. Further theoretical estimates of δ[65]Cu in hydrated Cu(I) and Cu(II) ions, Cu(II) ascorbates, and Cu(II) oxalate predict Cu isotope fractionation during the breakdown of ascorbate into oxalate and account for the isotopically heavy Cu found in animal kidneys.
著作権等: © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
This is not the published version. Please cite only the published version.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/173360
DOI(出版社版): 10.1016/j.gca.2013.02.007


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