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タイトル: A New Leptobrachium (Vibrissaphora) from Laos (Anura: Megophryidae)
著者: Matsui, Masafumi
著者名の別形: 松井, 正文
キーワード: Megophryidae
発行日: Aug-2013
出版者: Herpetological Society of Japan
誌名: Current Herpetology
巻: 32
号: 2
開始ページ: 182
終了ページ: 189
抄録: A new species of the subgenus Vibrissaphora in the genus Leptobrachium is described from eastern Laos, on the basis of molecular and morphological evidence. The new species differs from all members of the subgenus by lack of spines on upper lip, small size with adult male SVL of 55. 2 mm, indistinct tympanum, first finger longer than fourth, inner metatarsal tubercle smaller than first toe, 2⅓ phalanges of fifth toe unwebbed, dorsum nearly smooth and flanks with densely granulated skin, dorsum light brown with dark brown spots, flanks dark brown reticulated with cream spots, and abdomen cream with irregular brown markings. Classification of two subgenera in Leptobrachium is discussed.
著作権等: © 2013 by The Herpetological Society of Japan
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/216851
DOI(出版社版): 10.5358/hsj.32.182
出現コレクション:松井 正文


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