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タイトル: Studies on Factors Affecting the Flavor Release from Foods: Development of New Approaches to Estimate the Flavor Release Characteristics
その他のタイトル: 食品のフレーバーリリースに影響を及ぼす要因に関する研究:新たなフレーバーリリース評価法の開発とその応用
著者: Itobe, Takafumi
著者名の別形: 糸部, 尊郁
キーワード: Flavor release
Aroma release
Retronasal aroma
Chewing gum
Aroma perception
発行日: 23-Mar-2017
出版者: Kyoto University
学位授与大学: 京都大学
学位の種類: 新制・論文博士
取得分野: 博士(農学)
報告番号: 乙第13100号
学位記番号: 論農博第2846号
学位授与年月日: 2017-03-23
請求記号: 新制||農||1051(附属図書館)
論文調査委員: (主査)教授 松村 康生, 教授 裏出 令子, 教授 谷 史人
学位授与の要件: 学位規則第4条第2項該当
著作権等: 許諾条件により本文は2018-01-20に公開
(1.1) Kumazawa, K., Itobe, T., Nishimura, O., and Hamaguchi, T. (2008). A New Approach to Estimate the In-mouth Release Characteristics of Odorants in Chewing Gum. Food Sci. Technol. Res., 14, 269-276. Copyright c 2008, Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology (1.2) Itobe, T., Kumazawa, K., Inagaki, S., and Nishimura, O. (2012). A New Approach to Estimate the Elution Characteristics of Odorants in Chewing Gum during Chewing. Food Sci. Technol. Res., 18, 295-302. Copyright c 2012, Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology (2.1) Itobe, T., Kumazawa, K., and Nishimura, O. (2009). New Factor Characterizing the In-Mouth Release of Odorants (Volatile Thiols): Compositional Changes in Odorants Exhaled from the Human Nose during Drinking. J. Agric. Food Chem., 57, 11297-11301. Copyright c 2009 American Chemical Society http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf902239g (2.2) Itobe, T., Nishimura, O., and Kumazawa, K. (2015). Influence of Milk on Aroma Release and Aroma Perception during Consumption of Coffee Beverages. Food Sci. Technol. Res., 21, 607-614. Copyright c 2015, Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology (2.3) Itobe, T., and Kumazawa, K. (2017). Taste-aroma Interactions in Lemon-flavored Model Beverages: Influence of Sweeteners on Aroma Perception and In Vivo Aroma Release. Food Sci. Technol. Res., (in press). Copyright c 2017, Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology.
DOI: 10.14989/doctor.r13100
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/225319
関連リンク: https://doi.org/10.1021/jf902239g
出現コレクション:100 博士(農学)


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