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タイトル: A counterexample for Barkatou's conjecture on the exponential growth order of solutions for Moser irreducible system and surgery operations (Algebraic analytic methods in complex partial differential equations)
著者: Miyake, Masatake
著者名の別形: 三宅, 正武
発行日: Apr-2017
出版者: 京都大学数理解析研究所
誌名: 数理解析研究所講究録
巻: 2020
開始ページ: 62
終了ページ: 76
抄録: We, first, give a general result on the estimate of maximal exponential growth order $rho$(L) of solutions of Ly=0 with L=z^{p+1}(d/dz)I_{N}-A(z)(A(z)in M_{N}(mathrm{C}{z}) which is Moser irreducible defined by F. Moser [Mos]. Next, we give a counterexample for the conjecture by M. Barkatou on the characterization of $rho$(L) stated in his lecture [Bar]. We, further, introduce a class of system transformations called surgery operations by which the leading term of exponential factor of the formal fundamental matrix solution is calculated exactly for the obtained counterexample.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/231739
出現コレクション:2020 Algebraic analytic methods in complex partial differential equations


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