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タイトル: | イギリス帝国治安維持システムとコミンテルン・ネットワーク: ルフラン事件(1931)を事例として |
その他のタイトル: | Policing the Comintern Network in Asia: "The Lefranc Affair" and the British Security Service |
著者: | 鬼丸, 武士 |
著者名の別形: | Onimaru, Takeshi |
キーワード: | イギリス帝国 コミンテルン・ネットワーク 情報機関 旅券管理システム シンガポール セルジュ・ルフラン(ジョセフ・デュクルー) British Empire Comintern Network Intelligence Service passport control system Singapore Serge Lefranc (Joseph Ducroux) |
発行日: | 31-Dec-2005 |
出版者: | 京都大学東南アジア研究所 |
誌名: | 東南アジア研究 |
巻: | 43 |
号: | 3 |
開始ページ: | 303 |
終了ページ: | 318 |
抄録: | After World War I, the International Communism Movement, led by the Third International the Comintern' was one of the major threats to the British Empire. TheComintern constructed a worldwide liaison network of comrades called the CominternNetwork to try to penetrate the "Western World." In order to police this CominternNetwork, the British Empire constructed its own Security System consisting of theIntelligence Service the Political Intelligence Bureau or the Special Branch and thePassport Control System. This paper uses "the Lefranc Affair" as a case study todemonstrate how the British Security System policed the Comintern Network, particularlyin Asia. A French agent of the Comintern named Serge Lefranc, alias Joseph Ducroux, whoworked in Asia from 1926, was arrested in Singapore on 1 June 1931. This paper describeshow the British Security System monitored his activities and took action against him, andsummarizes the structure of the British Security System by focusing on cooperationbetween the Intelligence Service and the Passport Control System. |
記述: | この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/2433/53828 |
出現コレクション: | Vol.43 No.3 |