Publication: La construcción de un sistema penal europeo a través de la cooperación judicial y policial entre países miembros
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La evolución legislativa que viene experimentando el marco europeo de cooperación judicial y –sobre todo- policial en materia penal, parece dirigirnos hacia la creación de un sistema común de información centrado en la detección y neutralización de amenazas a la seguridad, incluso antes de que estas se materialicen en actos preparatorios. Normativas como la reguladora de los datos asociados a las telecomunicaciones o el Registro de Nombres de Pasajeros (PNR) son reflejo del gran dispositivo preventivo, articulado a través de la conservación y tratamiento masivo de datos, en que aparenta estar transformándose la política criminal europea. Tal deriva pudiera entenderse, a prima facie, incompatible con el reforzamiento de las garantías clásicas de corte liberal que inspiran las recientes directivas sobre interpretación y traducción en el proceso penal, asistencia letrada o presunción de inocencia. Sin embargo, ambas lógicas, la de la seguridad y la de los derechos, parecen discurrir hoy paralelamente. Y es que, en el marco del sistema de justicia criminal europeo, la lucha contra la delincuencia grave se desarrolla a través de dos dimensiones cada vez más dispares e independientes. Por un lado, en lo tocante a la esfera jurisdiccional, se refuerzan los derechos, al tiempo que, por otro, en aras a garantizar la seguridad, desde el ámbito administrativo se conforma un aparato de vigilancia masiva y control generalizado de la población cuya inferencia en el proceso no parece ser reconocida por el legislador.
The legislative evolution that has been taking place in the framework of the European Union in the field of judicial and, above all, police cooperation in criminal matters, seems to be aimed at the creation of a common information system focused on the detection of threats even before they materialize into preparatory acts. Regulations such as the regulation of data associated with tele-communications or the Passenger Name Registry (PNR), are a reflection of the great preventive device, articulated through the conservation and massive data processing, .in which European criminal policy is manifestly being transformed. Such a drift could be understood, prima facie, AS contrary to the reinforcement classic liberal guarantees that seem to pursue the promulgation of norms such as Directive on interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings, the Directive, on legal aid or Directive concerning the presumption of innocence. However, both logics, that of security and that of guarantees, run parallel today in a criminal legal system that is increasingly hybrid in nature.On the one hand, jurisdictional, with regard to the reinforcement of rights and, on the other hand, administrative, in all matters relating to security as a pillar of internal policy capable of legitimizing the restriction of fundamental rights of a generality of people who do not fall under prior suspicion.
The legislative evolution that has been taking place in the framework of the European Union in the field of judicial and, above all, police cooperation in criminal matters, seems to be aimed at the creation of a common information system focused on the detection of threats even before they materialize into preparatory acts. Regulations such as the regulation of data associated with tele-communications or the Passenger Name Registry (PNR), are a reflection of the great preventive device, articulated through the conservation and massive data processing, .in which European criminal policy is manifestly being transformed. Such a drift could be understood, prima facie, AS contrary to the reinforcement classic liberal guarantees that seem to pursue the promulgation of norms such as Directive on interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings, the Directive, on legal aid or Directive concerning the presumption of innocence. However, both logics, that of security and that of guarantees, run parallel today in a criminal legal system that is increasingly hybrid in nature.On the one hand, jurisdictional, with regard to the reinforcement of rights and, on the other hand, administrative, in all matters relating to security as a pillar of internal policy capable of legitimizing the restriction of fundamental rights of a generality of people who do not fall under prior suspicion.
Research project
Bibliographic citation
Alcoceba Gil, Juan Manuel (2019). La construcción de un sistema penal europeo a través de la cooperación judicial y policial entre países miembros. En: El mercado único en la Unión Europea: balance y perspectivas jurídico-políticas. : Dykinson, pp. 1067-1076