Publication: La tutela de los derechos de la personalidad ante atentados producidos en redes sociales y servicios equivalentes
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La gran cantidad de información que los usuarios de redes sociales y servicios equivalentes (v. gr. blogs, foros, etc.) vuelcan en internet, unida a la rápida difusión de lo publicado en el entorno digital, ha incrementado la posibilidad de que se lesionen los derechos de la personalidad del individuo. Para tutelar estos derechos el perjudicado puede acudir a distintas normas-como son, entre otras, la Ley Orgánica 1/82 de Protección al honor, la intimidad y la imagen, la Ley 34/2002 de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información o la Ley Orgánica 3/2018 de Protección de Datos Personales y el Reglamento UE 2016/679-que ofrecen diversos mecanismos, judiciales y extrajudiciales, que este trabajo pretende analizar y sistematizar. Partiendo de un análisis jurisprudencial dirigido a constatar en qué casos puede cometerse una intromisión ilegítima en los derechos al honor, la intimidad o la imagen de una persona como consecuencia de la publicación de contenidos en internet, se examinan las distintas herramientas que el perjudicado tiene a su disposición para reparar el derecho lesionado con el fin de determinar cuáles ofrecen más garantías o pueden ser, según los casos, de mayor utilidad.
The large amount of information that users of social networks and equivalent services (blogs, forums, etc.) post on the Internet, along with the rapid dissemination of what is published in the digital environment, has increased the possibility of infringement of personality rights. To protect these rights, the injured party can resort to different regulations -such as, among others, Organic Law 1/82 on Protection of Honour, Privacy and Image, Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society or Organic Law 3/2018 on Protection of Personal Data and Regulation EU 2016/679- that offer various mechanisms, judicial and extrajudicial, that this work intends to analyse and systematize. Starting from a jurisprudential analysis aimed at verifying in which cases an unlawful interference in the rights to honour, privacy or image of a person can be committed as a consequence of the publication of content on the Internet, the different tools that the injured party has at their disposal to restore the infringed right are examined, in order to determine which of them offer more guarantees or may be, depending on the case, more useful.
The large amount of information that users of social networks and equivalent services (blogs, forums, etc.) post on the Internet, along with the rapid dissemination of what is published in the digital environment, has increased the possibility of infringement of personality rights. To protect these rights, the injured party can resort to different regulations -such as, among others, Organic Law 1/82 on Protection of Honour, Privacy and Image, Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society or Organic Law 3/2018 on Protection of Personal Data and Regulation EU 2016/679- that offer various mechanisms, judicial and extrajudicial, that this work intends to analyse and systematize. Starting from a jurisprudential analysis aimed at verifying in which cases an unlawful interference in the rights to honour, privacy or image of a person can be committed as a consequence of the publication of content on the Internet, the different tools that the injured party has at their disposal to restore the infringed right are examined, in order to determine which of them offer more guarantees or may be, depending on the case, more useful.
Honor, Intimidad, Imagen, Redes sociales, Servicios equivalentes, Intromisión ilegítima, Responsabilidad, Retirada de contenidos, Derecho al olvido, Derecho de rectificación, Honour, Privacy, Image, Social networks, Equivalent services, Unlawful interference, Liability, Content Removal, Right to be forgotten, Right of rectification
Research project
Bibliographic citation
Santos Morón, M.J. (2024). La tutela de los derechos de la personalidad ante atentados producidos en redes sociales y servicios equivalentes. Anuario de Derecho Civil, 76 (4), pp. 1297-1374.