Publication: La Ruta 3A: una alternativa para reforzar la cooperación comercial de China con los países del Sur
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Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
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El centro de gravedad de las relaciones geoeconómicas globales se ha ido desplazando hacia la Cuenca del Pacífico. En este marco global existe un área que quedaría, en principio, apartada del juego geoeconómico: la zona austral del Atlántico. Sin embargo, en la dimensión sur-atlántica desempeñan un papel cada vez más importante los actores emergentes en las orillas sudamericana y africana. Se ha estado observando la posibilidad de que se desarrollen flujos y corredores comerciales entre el Sur-Atlántico, el Océano Índico y el Mar Chino Meridional, a través del crosspoint de África Austral, para ir estructurando un espacio Económico-Comercial que se denominará "Ruta 3A"
The gravity centre of global geoeconomic’ s relations shifted towards the Pacific Rim. In this global framework, an area exists, which is fareway from the geoeconomics’ game: The South Atlantic. However, in the austral dimension some emerging actors play an increasingly important role, both on the South American and African shore. It has been analysing the possibility of developing or improving trade flows and corridors between the South Atlantic, the Indian Ocean and Southern Chinese Sea, pivoting the crosspoint of Southern Africa, in order to structuring an economic and commercial space, called "Route 3A".
The gravity centre of global geoeconomic’ s relations shifted towards the Pacific Rim. In this global framework, an area exists, which is fareway from the geoeconomics’ game: The South Atlantic. However, in the austral dimension some emerging actors play an increasingly important role, both on the South American and African shore. It has been analysing the possibility of developing or improving trade flows and corridors between the South Atlantic, the Indian Ocean and Southern Chinese Sea, pivoting the crosspoint of Southern Africa, in order to structuring an economic and commercial space, called "Route 3A".
Research project
Bibliographic citation
Berg-Rodríguez, A. & Lorca Corrons, A. (2020). La Ruta 3A: una alternativa para reforzar la cooperación comercial de China con los países del Sur. Notebooks of geopolitical intelligence, 3 (1); pp. 99-112