Remote sensing methods to map and monitor the condition of coastal habitats and other surrogates for biodiversity
Remote sensing methods to map and monitor the condition of coastal habitats and other surrogates for biodiversity,
Other title
Part A: Floodplain vegetation mapping of the Kakadu National Park,
Anstee, Janet M.,
Botha, Elizabeth J.,
Byrne, Guy T.,
Dyce, Peter,
Schroeder, Thomas,
Image Processing and Analysis Report,
Kakadu National Park,
This report describes the results of applying remote sensing methods to floodplain vegetation monitoring in
Kakadu National Park, NT. Visualising the spatial distribution of aquatic benthic habitats is essential to our understanding of these ecosystems and to our ability to provide early management intervention. This requires objective, repeatable processing pathways of earth observation data. - Executive summary,
Made available via the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 2004 (NT).,
Table of contents
Executive summary -- Introduction -- Data acquisition -- Image pre-processing -- Classification methods - ALOS and WV2 -- Results and discussion -- Conclusion and recommendations -- References -- Appendix A1 - A5,
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