Registered nurses' experiences working in the emergency fast track area
Brown, Kennedy N.
University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Health Sciences
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Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Health Sciences
Emergency fast track area nurses have a unique job where they must balance quality care with efficiency in a fast paced, high patient volume environment. This study was conducted to gain a better understanding of registered nurses’ experiences working in the emergency fast track area with a focus on quality of care. Methods: A qualitative descriptive study of eight registered nurses working in an urban hospital was completed. Data were analyzed using Braun and Clarke’s (2006) thematic analysis. Results: Moral distress was described by participants when they felt unable to provide quality care. Sub themes of moral distress include: stretched to a breaking point, the balancing act, and resiliency. Participants felt stretched to a breaking point by their numerous roles and responsibilities within the fast track area. Participants strived to balance quality care and efficiency. Participants described resiliency through collaboration with other team members, supportive administration, and resetting.
emergency nurses , emergency fast track area , moral distress , Emergency nursing--Psychological aspects , Nurses--Job stress , Nurses--Attitudes , Nurses--Workload , Nurses--Job satisfaction , Hospitals--Emergency services , Triage (Medicine) , Medical care--Quality control , Dissertations, Academic