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  • PublicationRestricted
    The treatment, planting and maintenance of dry banks in the Auckland area
    (Lincoln College, University of Canterbury, 1974) Hubbers, P. J.
    An endeavour will be made to more accurately define what constitutes a dry bank as specifically relating to the area being studied. Aridity and the factors that contribute to this condition will be discussed along with its measurement. Physiological adaptations of plants and how they enable various plants to survive dry conditions will be covered. The selection of material for planting in the dry slopes is based on their assessment over the last dry summer and by measurement. Planting methods and treatment as they apply to dry slopes plus maintenance required.
  • PublicationRestricted
    Effect of hormone/fungicide combinations on the rooting of cuttings
    (Lincoln College, University of Canterbury, 1976) Hocking, P. J.
    “Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast”, said the White Queen in ‘Alice Through the Looking-glass’. This statement could well apply to many plant propagators in their endeavours to improve the rooting of cuttings. The propagator’s search for chemicals to improve cutting strike has been directed along two lines. Firstly, use of synthetic auxins to increase rooting, and secondly, use of fungicides to reduce losses caused by disease. No systematic treatment of cuttings with fungicide has been done in New Zealand, and consequently this study was undertaken to investigate the effects of various hormone/fungicide combinations on the rooting of cuttings under local conditions, and to assess their value to the nurseryman in a practical context. Dimethysulfoxide (DMSO) has also been used to improve cuttings strike, and hence it was included in this investigation.
  • PublicationRestricted
    Some aspects of natural revegetation in southern New Zealand
    (Lincoln College, University of Canterbury, 1979) Buxton, A. H.
    The past and present awareness of a decline in the extent and quality of New Zealand's native flora and fauna has resulted in a proliferation of reserves, National Parks and Forest Parks. The aim of these is to preserve in perpetuity their natural features, while generally making them accessible to the public. The management of reserves and National Parks to conform with these aims is not always without conflict. Public use can cause destruction of the vegetation on a large scale especially when roading is involved. Occasionally mining, tourism, and recreation can have similar devastating effects. Where damage to the natural environment has been done, or is intended, allowances in project costs are usually made to repair damage in keeping with the natural setting. In these endeavours horticulturists are frequently expected to play a role, usually involving the production and planting of plants. Their ability to do this is usually adequate, but difficulties sometime arise in decisions on what species to grow, how many, and where to plant them. Often their directives define some vague natural order, and to clarify this some definite planning system is needed. In the multi-discipline planning team approach which is often the case, well defined and justified plans must be proposed. In order to conform with nature, nature must be used as a guide. Planning of repairs, especially revegetation, must be based on careful observation of nature so that appropriate species, locations and densities can be determined. To expect clear answers using the complexity of natural vegetation as a guide is unrealistic, but this does not give a licence to dispense entirely with nature-based planning. A reasoned approximation must be made to conform with nature and thus enable a long term plan to be written which will help bridge staff changes, aid informed comment and pooling of knowledge, and give environmental pressure groups definite proposals on which to base their follow-up watch-dog functions. In this study an attempt will be made to examine revegetation planning using naturally occuring vegetation as a model. By using existing ecological studies some planning possibilities will be presented. The validity of some proposals could be debated but they are offered as starting points in situations where few alternatives exist. Short trials were conducted to investigate some practical possibilities and these are reported in Chapter IV. Some past attempts at natural revegetation are described to illustrate other potential methods. Examples have been restricted to southern South Island forests in an effort to restrict this topic to manageable proportions.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    An evaluation of recent advances in the use of anhydrous and aqueous ammonia overseas and their application in New Zealand horticulture
    (Lincoln College, University of Canterbury, 1968) Thomas, Michael B.
    The object of this study is to evaluate recent advances in the use of anhydrous and aqua ammonia as nitrogenous fertilisers, with emphasis on the prospects and needs there are for their usage in New Zealand. There is at present a large dependence on New Zealand made organic and imported artificial fertilisers which are mostly low analysis materials. These nitrogenous fertilisers, with their low nitrogen content, have a high cost per pound of nitrogen. Anhydrous and aqua ammonia are high analysis materials whose use could prove worthwhile in this country on the grounds of economy and practicability. An appraisal of these prospects would appear to offer advantages in the development of horticulture (and agriculture) in New Zealand. Part I deals with the aspects of nitrogen in the soil and in plants. This introduces the trends in nitrogenous fertilisers and usage of the various forms, particularly anhydrous and aqua ammonia. Also dealt with is the history of nitrogenous fertilisers. Part II illustrates the usage of ammonia as a fertiliser. The manufacture, use for crops, equipment and basic economics are discussed, with a view to demonstrating that anhydrous and aqua ammonia fertilisers have been shown to be both efficient and very economical fertilisers overseas. Part III deals with the position in New Zealand. The types of nitrogen fertilisers used and the economic aspects of their usage. Prospects for anhydrous and aqua ammonia in New Zealand are looked at. In conclusion the general findings are summarised and recommendations are made with a view to future needs in New Zealand for anhydrous and aqua ammonia. This thesis attempts to tentatively answer the question, "Is there a place for anhydrous and aqua ammonia fertiliser in New Zealand, and what action should be taken to examine this subject more closely".
  • PublicationRestricted
    The people's view: 'an analysis of the visitors to the Christchurch Botanic Garden'
    (Lincoln University, 1996) Adamski, M. A.
    A visitor survey was conducted at the Christchurch Botanic Garden. The purpose of the survey was to investigate who the visitors to the Christchurch Botanic Garden were, what activities they carried out and what their needs were. The results were analysed to determine if conflict existed between the visitor and the Botanic Garden Management Policy Document. A questionnaire was administered in conjunction with a head count of the visitors to the Gardens for a period of one week during each of the four seasons of the year. Christchurch Botanic Garden visitors were a broad range of people who visited the facility for various reasons. Conflict between the visitors and the Botanic Garden Management Policy Document has the potential to occur. The conclusive decision to direct the Botanic Gardens towards a more botanical focus rests ultimately with administrators of the Christchurch Botanic Garden.