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Author(s): Ana Sofia Guimarães
João M. P. Q. Delgado
António Azevedo
Isabel Martins Ribeiro
Vasco Peixoto de Freitas
Title: Hygric Resistance in Multilayer Building Materials - A Prevision New Methodology
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: This work presents the results of an experimental campaign in order to determine the hygric resistance in multilayered building components, with different interface types. The results show a slowing of the wetting process due to the interfaces hygric resistance. The samples with hydraulic contact interface (cement mortar) present lower absorption rate than the samples with lime mortar. The influence of air space between layers was also demonstrated, i.e., the air space interfaces increase the coefficients of capillary significantly, as the distances from the contact with water increase. The hygric resistance was calculated by three different methods: gravimetric and gamma-ray methods, and the new methodology proposed, an automatic calculation method without human opinion/criteria. The "knee point" was detected, numerically, in water absorption curves and the moisturedependent interface resistance was quantified and validated for transient conditions. The methodology proposed to detect the "knee point" can be also used in the future for different multilayer materials with an interface, in order to obtain more correct hygric resistance values to be used in future numerical simulations.
Document Type: Artigo em Livro de Atas de Conferência Internacional
Rights: restrictedAccess
Appears in Collections:FEUP - Artigo em Livro de Atas de Conferência Internacional

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