Body esteem, eating attitudes, and adherence in adolescents with cystic fibrosis from Atlantic Canada.

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Faulkner, Colleen
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A study was conducted to investigate the influence of body esteem, nutritional status, nutritional intake, and eating attitudes on adherence to dietary therapy and enzymes in adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis. Nine adolescents aged 12.5 to 18 years from the CF clinics at the IWK (Halifax, NS) and the Janeway (St. John’s, NL) participated in the study. The participants completed the following surveys/tools: a Three-Day Food Diary, The Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26), The Body Esteem Scale for Adolescents and Adults (BES), and The Adherence Survey. Nutritional analysis determined that study participants had an average caloric intake of 2174 Cal. Only one participant met the adjusted Estimated Energy Requirement (EER + 20%), and was classified as being adherent to dietary therapy. The average Body Mass Index (BMIp) was at the 52nd percentile, and the average percent Ideal Body Weight (%IBW) was 100. None of the participants were classified as stunted, according to their height-for-age, but one was classified as wasted, according to his/her BMIp value. BES scores determined that participants have a relatively positive body esteem, with a mean score of 52.67, 57.25% of the highest possible score. Eating attitudes were also positive, for the most part. However, EAT-26 scores did reveal that one participant was at risk of developing an eating disorder, having a score over 20. In the study, adherence was defined as taking the same dose, or more, of a treatment as prescribed by a doctor and/or dietitian. Adherence to vitamins and nutritional supplements, when prescribed, was extremely poor, at 0%. Adherence to enzymes taken with meals and snacks was similar to rates in the literature, with 56% being adherent. Common reasons cited for non-adherence included forgetfulness, an absence of positive results, time and effort consuming, and a dislike of taking the treatment in front of others. Due to the small sample size, two-tailed independent sample t-tests revealed no statistical significance between adherence, body esteem, eating attitudes, caloric intake, BMIp, and %IBW. Therefore, results of the study indicate that in the population of all adolescents with CF, based on the results of this study, one cannot predict differences in BES, EAT-26, EER, BMIp, or %IBW based on the individuals’s adherence category.
Psychological aspects , Nutrition , Adolescence , Body image , Atlantic Provinces , Patients , Children , Cystic fibrosis