MSVU Senate Minutes -- October 30 2006

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Senate, Mount Saint Vincent University
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Senate Meeting October 30, 2006 Rosaria Boardroom 7:30 p.m. Minutes of Meeting Present: K. Laurin (Chair), K. Arbuckle, R. Bérard, I. Blum, D. Bourne-Tyson, P. Crouse, R. Fisher, F. French, S. Ganong, P. Glenister, J. Gordon, P. Gouthro, C. Hill, B. King, M. Lyon, R. MacKay, J. MacLeod, K. Manning, A. McCalla, G. McCarney, C. MacDermott, S. Mumm, L. Nash, M. Raven, J. Sawler, S. Seager, J. Sharpe, L. Steele, B. Taylor, R. West, A. Whitewood, D. Woolcott, R. Zuk. Regrets: B. Casey, A. Davis, N. Kayhani, P. Watts, M. Whalen Guest: K. Campbell Introduction: The President introduced and welcomed Caitlin MacDermott to Senate in her new role as the student representative for the Faculty of Education. 1. Approval of Agenda Moved by R. Zuk, seconded by K. Arbuckle to approve the Agenda as circulated. CARRIED 2. Approval of Minutes of September 25, 2006 Item 7.12.1 Teaching Innovation Award of the Minutes is amended by adding the words, â There was some discussion around the need for balance in the number of Teaching awards as compared with other awards. It was suggested that the matter respecting terms of reference for recognition of service be referred back to Senate Executive.â Moved by J. Gordon, seconded by L. Steele to approve the Minutes of September 25, 2006 subject to the change noted above. CARRIED. 3. Business Arising from the Minutes 3.1 Revision to Senate By-law 14.3 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning (Notice of Motion given Sept. 25/06 Senate meeting) Moved by M. Raven, seconded by B. King that Senate approve the revision (subject to the friendly amendment noted below) to the CAPPâ s Terms of Reference in response to the May 5, 2006 motion of Senate to allow a professional librarian to be nominated, and if elected, to serve on CAPP, while maintaining the current size the committee at 13 members. A friendly amendment to the Motion, namely to further revise the Membership of the Committee to read â and at most one professional librarianâ rather than â and at most one librarianâ was accepted. CARRIED. 2 3.2 Revision to Senate By-law 14.5 Committee on Information Technology and Services (Notice of Motion given at Sept. 25/06 Senate meeting) Moved by I. Blum, seconded by S. Mumm that Senate approve that the Motion be split, that the first of the two proposed revisions be approved (subject to the friendly amendment noted below) to the SCOITSâ Terms of Reference in response to the May 5, 2006 motion of Senate to allow a professional librarian to serve on SCOITS, and that the second proposed revision to change the ex officio membership respecting the Director of Information Technology and Services to Director or Manager of Network and Client Services of Information Technology and Services be referred back to the Committee in response to observations that it would better serve the Committee to have the Director present at most if not all Committee meetings. A friendly amendment to the Motion respecting the first proposed revision, namely to further revise the Membership of the Committee to readâ one professional librarianâ rather than â one University Librarianâ was accepted. CARRIED. 4. Presidentâ s Announcements K. Laurin expressed her thanks to the Registrarâ s Office and all others who contributed to making the Fall Convocation ceremonies, including her installation, such an enjoyable success. She advised that she had met the federal Minister of Finance at the recent AUCC session where matters of interest to the university community were discussed. She noted the Nova Scotia governmentâ s decision to reduce tuition costs for all N. S. resident students this year, and its intentions to extend costs reductions through next year as well. The Capital Campaign is moving ahead and will hopefully have a Chair within two weeks. The Strategic Planning Steering Committee holds its first meeting on October 31 and focus groups (15 participants each) are planned during November to provide an opportunity for everyone to voice their opinions and views. The Committeeâ s Terms of Reference are posted on the MSVU Website and in Insight. Consulting firms are being considered to assist with both the Capital Campaign and the Strategic Planning process. The President invited all to join her for refreshments at the Meadows on November 3 (4-6 p.m.) 5. Question Period A. Whitewood, in response to a Senatorâ s inquiry seeking clarity about what a reference to â informal consultationâ actually means in an Insight update about this yearâ s publicity campaign, indicated that she will obtain more information from the Director of Public Affairs. 6. Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business. 7. Committee Reports (Standing and Ad hoc) 7.1 Senate Executive 7.1.1 Notice of Motion: Revision to Senate By-law 1.1 Senate Membership The Senate Office will determine if seating arrangements in the Rosaria Boardroom can be adjusted to better accommodate the size of the Senate membership. The item will be included on the next Senate Agenda. 7.2 Academic Appeals Committee There have been no academic appeals. 3 7.3 Academic Policy and Planning 7.3.1 Proposal to name a Dean and establish an Office of Graduate Studies Moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by G. McCarney that Senate approve the proposal for a Dean and Office of Graduate Studies as described in supporting documentation. CARRIED. 7.3.2 Notice of Motion: Revision to Senate By-law 14.3.1 Graduate Studies Committee Some preliminary discussion took place concerning the Notice of Motion. The item will be included on the next Senate Agenda. 7.3.3 Proposal to approve Policies and Procedures for Graduate Theses Moved by D. Woolcott, seconded by L. Nash that Senate approve the Policy and Procedures for the Presentation of Theses Proposals, Theses Defence, and the Appointment of Theses Supervisors and Theses Committees subject to typographical corrections (i.e., reference to â Thesesâ , not â Thesisâ as appropriate throughout supporting documentation and change to â completeâ rather than â completedâ in the 3rd bullet of the â Theses Defenceâ section).CARRIED. 7.4 Graduate Studies There was no report. 7.5 Undergraduate Curriculum 7.5.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Proposals (for approval) Business and Tourism Removing BUSI 3331 Consumer Behaviour and BUSI 4430 Marketing Research from the Tourism Development concentration of the Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management degree, THMT2225 Design Management from the Tourism Development concentration in BTHM, THMT 3323 Event and Meeting Management from the Tourism Development concentration in BTHM, THMT 3380 Study Tour from the Hospitality Management concentration BTHM Moved by S. Mumm, seconded by M. Lyon that Senate accept the proposal. CARRIED. Child & Youth Study Deleting the text â biology and French are recommendedâ under Additional Admissions Requirements for BAA(CYS) degree Moved by S. Mumm, seconded by M. Lyon that Senate accept the proposal. CARRIED. Mathematics Change to existing program Removing the Bachelor of Computer Science from the calendar Deletion of courses CMPS 1151 Introduction to Computer Science (half unit), CMPS 1156 COBOL Programming (half unit), CMPS 1182 Introduction to Computer Graphics 1 (half unit) Moved by S. Mumm, seconded by S. Seager that Senate accept the proposal. CARRIED. Modern Languages Addition of new course FREN 3317 The Francophone Song (half unit) Moved by S.Mumm,seconded by A.McCalla that Senate accept the proposal. CARRIED. 4 7.5.2 Undergraduate Curriculum Proposals (for information) Changes to existing courses Biology: BIOL 3302 Advanced Microbiology; BIOL 3322 Developmental Biology Business and Tourism: BUSI 2222 Introductory Accounting II; BUSI 3334 Personal Selling and Sales Management Child and Youth Study: CHYS 1110 Introduction to Child and Youth Care; CHYS 3370 Professional Training and Development English: ENGL 3330 Myths and Theories of Writing Mathematics: MATH 3311 Analysis I Modern Languages: FREN 2205 Practical French III; FREN 2206 Practical French IV Philosophy/Religious Studies: PHIL/RELS/BUSI 2250 Business Ethics Psychology: PSYC 3302 Behaviour Modification It was acknowledged that these Undergraduate Curriculum proposals were for information only. 7.6 Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure or Permanence for Academic Administrators (CAPTPAA) There was no report. 7.7 Committee on Information Technology and Services P. Crouse reported that the Committee had met once and voted that the Director, D. Forbes (and in her absence the Manager), would chair the Committee this year. She advised that the faculty PC deployment will be completed shortly, that all classrooms have computer and audio visual equipment, and that a new computer lab is situated in the Crowâ s Nest (with 24-hour access). 7.8 Library F. French reported that the Committee has met. D. Bourne-Tyson advised that there are now Liaison Librarians who can deliver a more proactive service with every department belonging to one of five subject clusters and a Liaison Librarian for each of the clusters. More can be done to assist in identifying gaps in the collection and there is a cross-curriculum library initiative planned for next year. 7.9 Nominations 7.9.1 Recommendations for Senate Standing Committees Moved by I. Blum, seconded by L. Steele that Senate approve the following Senate Nominations Committee recommendations for election to the Standing Committees of Senate. CARRIED. Committee Individual Elected Term Begins Term Ends Information Technology & Services Dr. Michael Bowen (Education) Oct.30/06 June30/09 Library Dr. Derek Berg (Education) Jan. 1/07 June30/09 Undergraduate Admissions & Scholarship Dr. Ron MacKay (Arts & Science) Oct. 30/06 June30/09 Student Discipline Appeals Prof. Jean Mills (Professional) Oct. 30/06 June30/09 5 Moved by I. Blum, seconded by J. Gordon that Senate appoint Prof. Jean Mills as Chair of the Student Discipline Appeals Committee. CARRIED. 7.9.2 Recommendation for election of Senate representative to Strategic Planning Steering Committee Moved by R. Bérard, seconded by F. French that nominations cease in the absence of additional nominations from the floor and that Senate approve Dr. Brook Taylor as the Senate representative on the Strategic Planning Steering Committee. CARRIED. 7.10 Research and Publications There was no report. 7.11 Student Affairs C. Hill reported that the Committee had met once. 7.12 Committee on Teaching and Learning There was no report. 7.13 Writing Initiatives B. King reported that sessions on plagiarism were held on October 4 and 19, and that Writing Circles and Collaborative Learning are being explored as topics for 2007. 7.14 Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships S. Ganong reported that there has been no drop in the Universityâ s undergraduate enrolment. 7.15 University Research Ethics Board S. Seager expressed concern about understaffing and the need for an extra person. She reported that the Board is reviewing departmental Research Ethics Board policies and Orientation of New Member policies. 8. Other Reports 8.1 Board of Governors R. Bérard announced the Boardâ s new members, Chief Dan Paul (community member) and Ann MacGillivary (elected faculty member). He advised that a â Bingo For Bursariesâ event will be held on Nov. 8 with a raffle ticket sale for those who cannot attend, and reported that D. Woolcottâ s report on the Macleanâ s Magazine Survey had been received. 8.2 Studentsâ Union K. Arbuckle reported on the Unionâ s participation during Breast Cancer Week including a $500 Run for the Cure donation, the acquisition of new flat screens to post information and events, planned Halloweâ en activities, appointment of the new Senate Faculty of Education representative, and a meeting with the Minister of Education in support of the need for increased funding. 9. New Business There was no new business. 6 10.Items for Communication 3.2 The Secretary of Senate will notify D. Forbes, the Chair of SCOITS, of Senateâ s decision to refer back to the Committee for further discussion the second proposed revision to By-law 14.5 to change the ex officio membership respecting the Director of Information Technology and Services to Director or Manager of Network and Client Services of Information Technology and Services. 5 A. Whitewood will contact the Director of Public Affairs to obtain more information on the informal consultation conducted for the Publicity Campaign. 7.1.1 The Senate Office will contact Conference Services to determine if seating arrangements in the Rosaria Boardroom can be adjusted to better accommodate the size of the Senate membership. 7.5 The Undergraduate Curriculum changes will be communicated in the Calendar. 7.9.1 The Secretary of Senate will notify the new chair of the Student Discipline Appeals Committee and the new members of Senate Standing Committees of their appointments. 7.9.2 The Secretary of Senate will notify Dr. Brook Taylor of Senateâ s approval of his appointment as the Senate representative on the Strategic Planning Steering Committee. 7.11 The Secretary of Senate will notify C. Hill, the Chair of the Student Affairs Committee, of Senateâ s decision of September 25 to refer back to the Committee for further discussion the matter of amending the Student Judicial Code respecting the process for selecting and appointing representatives to serve on the Student Judicial and Disciplinary Appeals Committees. 7.12.1 The Secretary of Senate will notify the Senate Executive of the suggestion during the September 25 Senate meeting discussions about the new Teaching Innovation Award that the terms of reference for recognition of service be worked out and that the matter be referred back to the Senate. 11.Adjournment Moved by K. Arbuckle, seconded by G. McCarney that the meeting be adjourned at 8:50 p.m. CARRIED.