Design of Hybrid Energy System for Local Scale
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Máster Universitario Erasmus Mundus en Transporte Sostenible y Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia
Descripción física:
This thesis, completed during an internship at Plus Energies in Gij´on, Spain, ex-plores integrating microgrid components into an Energy Management System (EMS) platform. Plus Energies, a company specializing in energy storage systems, aims to develop an EMS platform that enables customers to monitor their installations online. A research on microgrids was done, including components, distributed gener-ation, power electronics, and energy storage, and to integrate these elements into the initial version of the EMS platform. Next, the research involved designing and testing fundamental controls for each system component using PLECS software. Subsequently, simulations and practical experiments with the initial EMS platform evaluated various energy management operation modes. Additionally, the study examined the impact of local climatic con-ditions on energy production, focusing on how the availability of wind and solar energy influences generation. The research also included engaging wit ...
This thesis, completed during an internship at Plus Energies in Gij´on, Spain, ex-plores integrating microgrid components into an Energy Management System (EMS) platform. Plus Energies, a company specializing in energy storage systems, aims to develop an EMS platform that enables customers to monitor their installations online. A research on microgrids was done, including components, distributed gener-ation, power electronics, and energy storage, and to integrate these elements into the initial version of the EMS platform. Next, the research involved designing and testing fundamental controls for each system component using PLECS software. Subsequently, simulations and practical experiments with the initial EMS platform evaluated various energy management operation modes. Additionally, the study examined the impact of local climatic con-ditions on energy production, focusing on how the availability of wind and solar energy influences generation. The research also included engaging with clients in the wind and hydroelectric power sectors to understand their systems and motivations for incorporating energy storage, particularly optimizing energy usage by storing energy when it is cheaper and selling it during peak pricing. Finally, the research explored different straightforward algorithms for forecasting generation and consumption, de-signed to be easily integrated into the EMS platform.
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