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Descripción técnica de la planta de compostaje de biorresiduos y estudio de costes de gestión. Llucmajor (Mallorca)

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Título :
Descripción técnica de la planta de compostaje de biorresiduos y estudio de costes de gestión. Llucmajor (Mallorca)
Autor :
Ruiz Valero, Elena
Paredes, Concepcion  
Martínez Redondo, Alberto
Editor :
Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche
Departamentos de la UMH::Agroquímica y Medio Ambiente
Fecha de publicación:
Resumen :
Proyecto de una PLANTA DE COMPOSTAJE para los BIORRESIDUOS DE LLUCMAJOR EN MALLORCA, y su estudio costes de funcionamiento. Para realizar el diseño y concepción de esta instalación industrial de tratamiento de residuos orgánicos mediante compostaje se realizó análisis de la capacidad para alcanzar ...  Ver más
Project of a COMPOSTING PLANT for the BIORESIDUOS DE LLUCMAJOR IN MALLORCA, and its operating costs study. In order to carry out the design and conception of this industrial facility for the treatment of organic waste by composting, an analysis of the capacity to reach the optimum levels or conditions of these parameters was carried out according to the conditioning factors of the project: type and quantities of waste, availability of structuring and complementary material, minimum process time required, available surface, meteorological conditions of the area, ... From this analysis a first approach is obtained of which is the combination of composting systems most suitable for the project and which would be the corresponding work or management protocol. Thus, in order to be able to adapt to the increase in the amount of biowaste that enters the island during the months of greatest tourist influx, the facility must have a treatment capacity of the organic fraction of the separate collection (hereinafter FORM) of 21,000 t/year (biodegradable waste from kitchens and restaurants 20 01 08 and waste from markets 20 03 02) and 6,030.5 t/year of structural waste, in this case the remains of pruning) (biodegradable waste from parks and gardens 20 02 01). For the composting process, the system of closed ventilated and static tunnels is established for a permanence time of 2 + 2 weeks, which implies a transfer of material from one tunnel to another after the first 2 weeks in order to comply with the optimum conditions established. The ability to continuously monitor and control different key process parameters (temperature, oxygen level, humidity) gives this system the ability to optimize the rate of degradative biological activity of the microorganisms. it is proposed that, after the first phase of fermentation in tunnels, maturation in a dynamic system should be carried out in order to provide the material with the advantages for the process that static systems do not have. In addition, in order to eliminate the presence of undesirable substances, a pretreatment is established. To carry out the cost study, a dimensioning of the direct operations of production, internal and external, of the general services, cleaning, maintenance and study the electrical, fuel, water and water purification consumptions, for the calculation of the economic model for the personnel, the maintenance, the consumptions and the subcontracted external services. Finally, we differentiate between fixed and variable costs and obtain a total cost of 2,503,410.81 €/year, and the fee amounts to 171.65 €/ton.
Palabras clave/Materias:
Residuos orgánicos
Área de conocimiento :
CDU: Ciencias aplicadas: Agricultura. Silvicultura. Zootecnia. Caza. Pesca: Agricultura. Agronomía. Maquinaria agrícola. Suelos. Edafología agrícola
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Aparece en las colecciones:
TFM - M.U Gestión, Tratamiento y Valorización de Residuos Orgánicos.

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