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Title: Tourism operators responding to climate change: reducing outboard emissions
Authors: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Keywords: Great Barrier Reef (Qld.)-Climate
metadata.dc.subject.asfa: Climatic changes
Ecosystem resilience
APAIS Subject: Tourism
Conservation (Natural resources)
metadata.dc.subject.category: Information Publication Scheme
Leading environmental practice
Climate change
Tourism operators
Year of publication: 2010
Publisher: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Abstract: Why should I care about using a low emission, well maintained outboard engine? The amount of fuel an outboard motor uses is directly related to the type of engine and how well maintained it is. A low emission, well maintained engine will not only save your business money on fuel, but will also greatly reduce your emissions.
Type of document: Brochure
Appears in Collections:Community

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