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Title: Position Statement: Climate Change
Authors: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
metadata.dc.subject.asfa: Climate
Environmental planning
Environmental planning
Air pollution
APAIS Subject: Reefs
Environmental management
metadata.dc.subject.location: Reef-wide
metadata.dc.subject.category: Policies and position statements
Climate change
Climate change
Extreme events
Year of publication: 2024
Publisher: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Abstract: Climate change is the greatest threat to the world’s coral reefs. Most coral reefs have already declined and are facing irreversible change. The action we take today will determine the Great Barrier Reef we know tomorrow. Every increment of global warming is compromising the Reef’s unique biodiversity, significant cultural heritage, social benefits, and the ecosystem services it provides. Urgent global action is critical to deliver on international commitments to limit temperatures to 1.5˚C of warming, or as close as possible. This will deliver the best possible future for the Great Barrier Reef and the livelihoods that depend on it
Type of document: Position paper
Appears in Collections:Effects

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