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Title: Pertussis-like syndrome associated with adenovirus presenting with hyperleukocytosis Case report [2016]
Authors: Sarbay, Hakan
Polat, Aziz
Mete, Emin
Işık Balcı, Yasemin
Akın, Mehmet
Keywords: Genel ve Dahili Tıp
Abstract: Adenovirus is an infectious viral agent that causes variety of clinical presentations such as respiratory disease, conjunctivitis, and gastroenteritis. Hepatitis, pancreatitis, myocarditis, encephalitis, and disseminated infection are primarily seen in immunocompromised patients. Rarely, adenovirus infection can present with pertussis-like syndrome. Described here is case of pertussis-like syndrome associated with adenovirus presenting with hyperleukocytosis
ISSN: 2148-4902
Appears in Collections:Tıp Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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