Channel and switchbox routing by simulated annealing.


Annealing by Boltzmann machine for Soma puzzles
Halıcı, Uğur (1995-01-01)
The Soma puzzle consists of seven pieces, each formed by combining three or four unit cubes. Given an object obtained by combining Soma pieces, the aim is to find out the placement and orientation of the pieces. In this paper, we propose a Boltzmann machine to solve Soma puzzles and its variations with the sets of pieces known as Tricubes, Diabolical and Mikusinski pieces. We have simulated the proposed machine and obtained quite satisfactory results. The Soma puzzle has similarities with NP-complete packin...
Optimum design of unbraced steel frames to LRFD-AISC using particle swarm optimization
Dogan, E.; Saka, M. P. (2012-04-01)
Particle Swarm method based optimum design algorithm for unbraced steel frames is presented. The Particle Swarm method is a numerical optimization technique that simulates the social behavior of birds, fishes and bugs. In nature fish school, birds flock and bugs swarm not only for reproduction but for other reasons such as finding food and escaping predators. Similar to birds seek to find food, the optimum design process seeks to find the optimum solution. In the particle swarm optimization each particle in...
Petty agricultural production and contract farming : a case in turkey
Başaran, Kaan Evren; Ecevit, Mehmet Cihan; Department of Sociology (2008)
Understanding the class position of family owned small scale agricultural production units, which constitute a common feature of the rural context in the later capitalized countries, have been one of the major discussion points in the Marxist literature. The continual existence of such a form of production organization with significant non-capitalist features under the enlarging capitalist organization of production despite the initial assumptions of Marxist analysis that it was a transitory form which will...
Optimum design of 3-d irregular steel frames using ant colony optimization and harmony search algorithms
Aydoğdu, İbrahim; Saka, Mehmet Polat; Tokdemir, Turgut; Department of Engineering Sciences (2010)
Steel space frames having irregular shapes when subjected to lateral loads caused by wind or earthquakes undergo twisting as a result of their unsymmetrical topology. As a result, torsional moment comes out which is required to be resisted by the three dimensional frame system. The members of such frame are generally made out of steel I sections which are thin walled open sections. The simple beam theory is not adequate to predict behavior of such thin-walled sections under torsional moments due to the fact...
Operation Quality Indicators for Shovel-Truck Systems at Open-Pit Coal Mines
Voronov, Anton; Voronov, Yuri; Voronov, Artyom; Demirel, Nuray (EDP Sciences; 2019-01-01)
Stripping and mining operations at open-pit coal mines are performed mainly by heavy shovel-truck systems (STS). One of the main problems of the STS is a rather low level of its operation quality, an objective assessment of which is an important step in identifying the causes of low quality and effective ways to improve it. The purpose of assessing the STS operation quality is defined as a functional criterion. The next important step of the assessment is to choose the set of indicators that most characteri...